Where is Gedna Relvel?

Gedna Relvel is a lich that can be found in Gedna Relvel’s Tomb in Old Mournhold.

Who is gaenor?

Gaenor is a Wood Elf pauper, who claims to be “an entrepreneur of sorts”. He stands in front of the Mournhold Temple, approximately halfway between the large steps outside the palace and the double-doors to the palace courtyard, asking people for increasingly outrageous sums of money.

Where can I find Salas valor?

Salas Valor, a Dark Elf crusader, is a former Hand of Almalexia who left her service for reasons that aren’t exactly clear. He can be found in Godsreach, where his agitated presence hasn’t gone unnoticed.

How do you defeat gaenor in Morrowind?

  1. Equip BoBS.
  2. Equip the Savior’s Hide.
  3. Attack him with a bound or daedric weapon while jumping over him.
  4. When low on health, use Vampiric Ring on him.

How do I get Trueflame?

Trueflame is obtained through completing The Blade of Nerevar quest during the Tribunal Main Quest. It is one of the best one handed swords in the entire game (including all official expansions and plugins), and according to Almalexia is twinned with Hopesfire.

Who is the tallest NPC in Skyrim?

The Ebony Warrior, at a scale of 1.21, is much taller than the majority of characters, including Altmer.

Can the Ebony Warrior shout?

He also has a number of perks to aid him in combat, including the top perks in the One-Handed, Archery, and Heavy Armor skills. He is the only non-Nord NPC capable of using certain dragon shouts in combat. These shouts include Unrelenting Force, which may easily knock you off the edge of the nearby cliffs.

Is the tribunal evil?

In TES online, you get to interact with all three, and for the most part they are not inherently evil. In TES III it becomes apparent that Almalexia loses her sanity after the powers she had become reliant on began to disapperar after the Nerevarine destroyed the Heart of Lorkhan.