Where is CActus saddlery located?

Greenville, Texas
Cactus Saddlery manufactures top quality leather goods in Greenville, Texas. We are the Choice of Champions.

Are Cactus saddles good?

I bought a Cactus saddle last year and just love it. It’s my most favorite saddle I’ve ever owned. I like the quality, the feel of the leather, it’s the best fit my hard to fit horse and it fits me too, very comfortable. I also like the weight for the quality it is.

What saddle does Trevor Brazile use?

The Relentless Team Roper
The Relentless Team Roper is one of the most beautiful and functional saddles made by Cactus. Trevor Brazile demands perfection and that goes for the way his saddles are made too. This saddle is built on a Lewis Tree (the same as the Relentless Roughout) and is made to fit most horses.

Where can I find saddle brand?

Western saddle makers typically place their marks on one of three places: the latigo holder, behind the cantle or on the fenders. A few makers stamp underneath the flap or on the seat itself. Sometimes you can find the maker’s mark on a metal tag placed on the saddle.

What is a ranch roper saddle?

The RANCH ROPER is a “buckaroo style” saddle built for rugged work with a classic cowboy look. Its broad, flat roping horn, heavy-duty fork, buck rolls and deep seat are designed for maximum comfort during long hours in the saddle handling livestock or just riding the range.

What is saddle roping?

Roping saddles are designed to be used when roping a cow. Because roping is physically exerting on both the horse and rider, a roping saddle is designed to allow a rider plenty of freedom of movement. In a good roping saddle, a rider can rope and dally a cow, and can easily dismount to go to the cow.

What makes a good roping saddle?

Roping Saddles These saddles are designed to handle pressure. They are built on sturdy trees and typically have reinforced rigging to prevent any breaks/rips. Roping saddles have a nice pocket seat for good positioning, but a lower cantle to allow easy dismount. They also have a thicker horn to dally off of.

How do you tell if a saddle is well made?

Check the quality of leather that the saddle is made from. Look for good-quality leather that is thick and pliable when you touch it and bend it. Avoid saddles that have thin, flimsy leather or have texture similar to cardboard or paper, which is common with cheap saddles.

How much is a used saddle worth?

The most popular price on used saddles is $500-$600 but this more often than not isn’t an accurate market value. Especially when it comes to the import saddles which can have a new retail price of $450… be sure you are not over paying for a low quality import saddle.

Can you rope off of a ranch saddle?

You can use an all-around saddle for ranching, roping, barrel racing, trail riding, and more. These saddles have a strong and stout horn so you are able to rope out of them or even drag cows with it. It is also equipped with a sturdy tree, which allows it to handle the pressure of roping.