Where is boska from?

BOSKA’s Story It all began near Gouda, in Holland, where blacksmith Willem Bos made his first cheese tools for the local farmers. From that day on it’s been our family’s tradition to create fun & smart tools so you can enjoy cheese, chocolate, pizza and more to the fullest.

Why do cheese knives have a notch?

What Are The Holes On A Cheese Knife For? The purpose of holes on the blade of a cheese knife is to help reduce friction and surface area. These types of knives are best for cutting soft cheeses such as Brie or Camembert. The idea is that these holes will help keep the cheese from sticking to the blade.

What are cheese knives used for?

Since soft cheeses are often sticky, the soft cheese knife (sometimes called the open blade knife) is filled with holes to reduce the space for soft and semi-soft cheeses to stick to. Yet, its blade is sharp for slicing into gooey cheeses with bloomy rinds, like Brie, Camembert or chevre.

What is boska tablet?

Boska Tablet is used to treat painful conditions such as headache including migraine, which is characterized by a recurrent headache ranging in severity from moderate to severe, toothache, backache, pain and inflammation in the joints (rheumatic pain), painful monthly cycles (dysmenorrhoea) and fever (febrile …

How do you take boska?

Dosage. 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours while symptoms persist. Not for use in children under 12 years. Do not exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours.

What are the prongs on a tomato knife for?

The serrated edge allows the knife to penetrate the tomatoes’ skin quickly and with a minimum of pressure without crushing the flesh. Many tomato knives have forked tips that allow the user to lift and move the tomato slices after they have been cut.

What is a clam knife?

Description: A clam knife is designed to efficiently pry open and remove the muscle from a clam. It is important that a clam knife is not confused for an oyster knife. Oyster knives are sharp on all sides of the blade, making it a dangerous knife to work with clams.

What is the best knife to cut hard cheese?

What knife is best for cutting cheese? If you don’t have any cheese knives on hand, we’d recommend using a small paring knife for cutting firm-to-hard cheeses and a thin kitchen knife or butter knife for soft cheeses. While these won’t take the place of a purpose-built cheese knife, they’ll work in a pinch.

Why are cheese knives curved?

Cheese knives are curved to increase surface area for spreading soft cheeses. Unlike a butter knife, a cheese knife must be somewhat sharp for hard cheeses, as well as the cheese rind. A curved blade is a compromise between usefulness as a cutting and spreading utensil.

Can boska cure headache?

For quick effective relief from headache, fever, and muscle ache. Boska is an effective pain and fever reliever with no bitter after taste. Boska can be recommended for fast & effective relief from: Headaches.

Which medicine is best for headache?

Simple pain relievers available without a prescription are usually the first line of treatment for reducing headache pain. These include the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve).

What is boska tablet used for?