Where is Bighorn gun safe made?

The USA Made Bighorn Safes. Now we get to the exciting safes! These are USA made, high quality gun safes made right here in the USA! Both of these safes have 10 gauge steel and a ¼” plate steel door (This is the complete door, not just in front of the lock), and a 2 hour fire rating.

How many guns does the Bighorn 18.46 cu ft executive safe hold?

ft. Executive Safe – $549.99 at Costco w/ Free Shipping for September – Model B5529ECS – Supposedly “30” Gun Safe.

How much does a bighorn safe weigh?

Features: 30 Minute at 1400°F Fire Rating. External Dimensions: 55”H x 29”W x 20”D. Weight: 340 lbs.

How do I change my Bighorn safe code?

  1. Factory Set Combination: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6.
  2. Select a new six (6) digit combination that you can easily remember.
  3. Enter your existing combination and open the door.
  4. Enter in six (6) zeroes to enter programming mode.
  5. Enter your existing six (6) digit combination.
  6. Enter your newly selected six (6) digit combination.

Are Big Horn gun safes any good?

The Bighorn gun safe is probably one of the best deals on the market right now. They usually come in at a price range of around $800 so you feel like you are getting quality and not crap. I would definitely recommend a Bighorn gun safe if you’re thinking about buying a serious safe for your gun collection.

Who Makes Big Horn gun safes?

Rhino Metals, Inc.
For over 15 years, Rhino Metals, Inc. the maker of Bighorn and Rhino Safes, has consistently provided homeowners and businesses with the highest quality safes and customer service available, earning the reputation of being the “biggest bang for your buck”.

Who manufactures Bighorn safes?

Can I change the combination on my safe?

It is possible to change the combination on your safe lock. However, depending on whether you have a mechanical or electronic lock will determine the route you’ll need to take to get the job done.

Where are Kodiak gun safes made?

Where are Kodiak safes made? Kodiak gun safes, unlike their Rhino branded counterparts are all built outside of the USA. It is likely they are Chinese made, as that is where most imported safes are built.

Are Big Horn Gun safes any good?