Where is Beadaholique?

Los Angeles, CA
We are located in Los Angeles, CA, so keep in mind time in transit may be less if you are located closer to us.

How much is a hank of beads?

approximately 4,000 beads
Quantity: One hank (there are approximately 4,000 beads per hank). Hanks are sometimes called 24 string, sometimes called 12 string, but they all have twelve loops of strung beads, resulting in 24 thread ends being tied together….Share this:

Style Round, Czech
Theme Valentine’s Day, Spring

How do I start a wholesale bead business?

How to Become a Wholesale Bead Supplier

  1. Initial Choices. You can sell to other businesses, to individual customers or to both.
  2. Sales Venues. You can sell from a brick-and-mortar shop, through an e-commerce store or at trade and craft shows.
  3. Obtain Tax and License Credentials.
  4. Determine Your Pricing.
  5. Build Your Customer Base.

How do I sell beads online?

Go through eBay and note good selling titles for similar beads you want to sell. Make a good photo. The main thing an online buyer has to go is the photograph – good pictures sell! Get in close, crop hard, enhance the contrast, and reduce to about 400 pixels wide.

Where is Cobeads from?

I checked out Cobeads and warned her that it was located in China. Generally companies from this country have a lack of integrity and notoriously bad customer service. It was quite disappointing to learn that this was true for Cobeads. Part of my order was OK, nothing special or outstanding.

What is a rocailles bead?

Seed beads, also known as rocailles, are an essential material for every beading enthusiast. They are made by chopping little glass tubes into pieces that are shaped and polished. In our e-shop, you can select from a large variety of colours, surface finishes and shapes of these tiny beads.

What are Preciosa beads?

PRECIOSA ORNELA is the manufacturer of the widest range of glass seed beads in the world. One of the most popular color decorations is Solgel. This involves a color range of up to thirty shades in three various levels of opaqueness.

How many hanks of beads are in a kilo?

Size Size in millimeters Hanks per kilo
Size Size in millimeters Hanks per kilo
15/0 1.5mm 60 hanks
13/0 1.7mm 72 hanks
11/0 2.1mm 26 hanks

Is selling beads profitable?

Beading is a fun hobby and can be quite lucrative if you can find your market. There are many ways to sell your beaded jewelry. You can have parties with your friends and co-workers, you can set up a booth at a craft show or flea market, and you can sell online via eBay or Etsy.

How much does it cost to start a bead business?

While it is possible to start out running your bead shop out of your home, this limits the number and type of customers you are able to market to. Entrepreneurs who have realized more rapid success recommend a budget of $100,000 to $248,000, depending upon the specifics of how the business is structured.

Can you make money selling beads?

How do I start selling beaded jewelry?

Explore a variety of sales and marketing avenues.

  1. Create a website. Your web address should go on all of your marketing materials.
  2. Advertise.
  3. Set up booths at arts and crafts fairs.
  4. Approach storefronts.
  5. Host beaded jewelry parties.
  6. Spread the word through social media sites.
