Where does the term waylaid come from?

waylay (v.) “to ambush,” 1510s, from way (n.) + lay (v.), on model of Middle Low German, Middle Dutch wegelagen “besetting of ways, lying in wait with evil or hostile intent along public ways.” Related: Waylaid; waylaying.

What do you call a sacred cow?

British Dictionary definitions for sacred cow sacred cow. noun. informal a person, institution, custom, etc, unreasonably held to be beyond criticism.

What is stitch allowance?

Seam allowance (sometimes called inlays) is the area between the fabric edge and the stitching line on two (or more) pieces of material being sewn together. Seam allowances can range from 1⁄4 inch (6.4 mm) wide to as much as several inches.

How do you use waylay in a sentence?

Waylay sentence example

  1. His opponents endeavoured to waylay him, but he came to London with an armed retinue and forced himself into the king’s presence.
  2. How many other reptiles lurked in the trees and brush, ready to waylay anyone bold enough to enter their territory?

What can I say instead of sacred cow?

synonyms for sacred cow

  • god.
  • goddess.
  • golden calf.
  • hero.
  • idol.
  • object of worship.
  • protected interest.
  • sensitive issue.

Does the term Holy cow come from India?

In India, cows are believed to be holy by the Hindu religion. Two nineteenth century English authors incorporated the phrase in their Hindu-influenced writing (see below), suggesting that a similar phrase may have been used in India as early as the 1820’s.

What does selvages mean in sewing?

A selvage (US English) or selvedge (British English) is a “self-finished” edge of a piece of fabric which keeps it from unraveling and fraying. The term “self-finished” means that the edge does not require additional finishing work, such as hem or bias tape, to prevent fraying.

What is allowance in garments?

1. an amount of money to compensate for the purchase of clothes for work, school, etc.