Where does the term teetotaler come from?

The “tee” in “teetotaler” likely refers to temperance activists who were totally opposed to alcohol with “a capital T” (or “tee”). Similar to the way people used the label of capital-R Republicans or W-Whigs, being a T-Totaler was a distinct identity.

What does it mean to be a teetotaller?

teetotaler \TEE-TOH-tuh-ler\ noun. : one who practices or advocates teetotalism : one who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks. Examples: “… he is one of those fit older people who have redefined what 74 can look like.

Is teetotaller a slang?

Richard Turner, a member of the society Preston Temperance Society, is credited with using the existing slang word, “teetotally”, for abstinence from all intoxicating liquors.

What do you call a person who never drinks alcohol?

abstainer, teetotaler. (or teetotaller), teetotalist.

How do you say you don’t drink alcohol?

5 Ways To Tell Someone You Don’t Drink

  1. “The truth is, I had a problem with drinking.” If you’re comfortable telling people the whole truth, this is the best response.
  2. “Drinking wasn’t doing me any good.”
  3. “I didn’t like the person I was when I drank.”
  4. “I’m driving.”
  5. “It doesn’t mix well with my medications.”

Does teetotaler drink tea?

Since it first sprang into linguistic life in England, teetotalers did tend to drink tea in lieu of tipples, but the word arose from a kind of emphatic stutter.

What do you call someone who doesn’t drink beer?

What is a non drinker called?

Is it healthy not to drink alcohol?

No Amount Of Alcohol Is Good For Your Health, Global Study Says : NPR. No Amount Of Alcohol Is Good For Your Health, Global Study Says While the study’s authors acknowledge moderate drinking may protect some people against heart disease, these potential benefits do not outweigh the risks of cancer and other diseases.

How do you say I don’t drink politely?

If you’re in a situation where you feel you can be honest, try the following:

  1. “No thanks, I don’t drink anymore.”
  2. “Alcohol doesn’t mix well with me.”
  3. “I can’t. My alcohol use gets out of hand sometimes.”
  4. “I’ve decided I just feel healthier without alcohol”