Where do you put commas in a list?
Where do you put commas in a list?
When making a list, commas are the most common way to separate one list item from the next. The final two items in the list are usually separated by “and” or “or”, which should be preceeded by a comma. Amongst editors this final comma in a list is known as the “Oxford Comma”.
Do you put a comma before and when listing three things?
As mentioned above, when you are listing three or more items, commas should separate each element of the list. However, the final comma—the one that comes before the and—is optional. This comma is called the serial comma or the Oxford comma. Whether or not you use the serial comma is a style choice.
Do I use commas in a bulleted list?
If each element of a numbered or bulleted list is a complete sentence, capitalize the first word and place a period at the end. If the elements of the list are single words or phrases, capitalization and punctuation marks (including commas) are optional.
How do you list multiple names in a sentence?
In this case you do need a comma. If we take the first person first, the format would be like this: Joan Darcy, U.S. Corps of Engineers Assistant Secretary for Civil Works. If we use this second format and then make a list of people, the different people would be separated by a semi-colon (;) and not a comma.
How do you use commas to separate three or more items in a series?
Commas are used to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses in a series. This means that when three or more items are being listed in a sentence, a comma goes between each item in the list. For example: John went to the grocery store and bought bread, milk, butter, macaroni and cheese.
How do you punctuate a bullet list?
Use a period after bullet list that completes the opening stem sentence that introduces it. Don’t use a period after bullet lists that are not complete sentences or do not complete the opening stem sentence. Don’t use semicolons to end punctuation. Use either all full sentences in your bullet lists or all fragments.
How do you list multiple names and titles in a sentence example?
If we take the first person first, the format would be like this: Joan Darcy, U.S. Corps of Engineers Assistant Secretary for Civil Works. If we use this second format and then make a list of people, the different people would be separated by a semi-colon (;) and not a comma.
What comma rule says to use commas to separate items in a series?
One use of the comma is to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses in a list or series. Commas go after each item except the last. Note: In British usage, there is no comma before the conjunction (such as and or or) before the last item in the series.
How do you punctuate a numbered list in a sentence?
Punctuate numbered list items only if they are complete sentences or verb phrases that complete the sentence begun by the lead-in (and use periods in these two cases).