Where do I find my articles of incorporation in Utah?

The Division will accept requests for corporate archive searches, Certificates of Existence, certified copies and copies of records by mail at: 160 East 300 South, Box 146705, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6705; via fax at: (801) 530-6438; or in person at the Division offices at: 160 East 300 South, 2nd Floor, Salt Lake …

How do I get an article of Organization for my LLC in Utah?

We’ll take you through three easy steps for filing the Utah LLC Articles of Organization….

  1. Step 1: Get Your Certificate of Organization Forms.
  2. Step 2: Fill Out the Certificate of Organization.
  3. Step 3: File the Certificate of Organization.

Does Utah require Articles of Organization?

Articles of Organization for your LLC are required in Utah. An LLC is organized by filing a Certificate of Organization.

How do I get a copy of my Utah business license?

If you need a physical Certified document or copy then you will need to order them in-house which can be done in person, in writing, or by fax. If you make a written request you may use our order form. Written requests for copies and/or certificates may take up to approximately 7-10 business days.

How do I update my articles of organization in Utah?

To make amendments to your Utah Corporation, you must provide the completed Articles of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation (Profit) form, with the processing fee, to the Division of Corporations & Commercial Code by mail, fax or in person. If faxing your amendments, include the Fax Cover Letter.

Should I tax my LLC as a corporation?

Generally, members of LLCs filing Partnership Returns pay self-employment tax on their share of partnership earnings. If the LLC is a corporation, normal corporate tax rules will apply to the LLC and it should file a Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return.

What is Certificate of organization for LLC in Utah?

A Certificate of Organization is a legal document that will officially make your LLC into existence. This document is needed specifically for Utah in forming an LLC business structure.

Is a corporation the same as an LLC?

LLC’s and corporations both have owners, but the form of ownership is different. LLC members have an equity (ownership) interest in the assets of the business because they have made an investment to join the business. Corporate owners are shareholders or stockholders who have shares of stock in the business.

Is Articles of Organization the same as articles of incorporation?

The articles of incorporation and articles of organization are actually very similar filings and they really only have one main difference: Articles of incorporation are for companies looking to form a corporation, while articles of organization are for limited liability companies (LLCs).

How do I form a corporation in Utah?

To start a corporation in Utah, you’ll need to do three things: appoint a registered agent, choose a name for your business, and file Articles of Incorporation with the Division of Corporations & Commercial Code. You can file this document online, by mail or fax, or in person. The articles cost $70 to file.
