Where did the word juvenile come from?

It comes from the Latin juvenīlis, meaning “youthful.” Often, juvenile is used to mean something that is related to young people or reminds you of youth.

Is juvenile a negative word?

“Youth” = positive connotation (or association); “Juvenile” = negative connotation; “Adolescent” = neutral connotation.

What’s another way to say juvenile?

In this page you can discover 67 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for juvenile, like: youthful, infantile, adolescent, budding, unripe, unfledged, teenage, junior, younger, developing and unweaned.

Who is India’s juvenile?

In India, a person below the age of 18 years is considered a juvenile. There is a difference between minors and minors. Minor is a person who has not attained the age of full legal responsibility and the juvenile is a minor who has committed some offence or needs care and protection.

What is the opposite meaning of the word juvenile?

Opposite of being, or relating to those, of a young age. adult. grown-up. mature. matured.

What is an example of a juvenile?

Juvenile is defined as someone who is still a child. An example of juvenile is a ten year old girl. The definition of juvenile is something having to do with children or young people. An example of juvenile is a detention center for criminals under 18.

What do you mean by juvenile in India?

Juvenile Law: A juvenile is a child who has not completed the age of Juvenile Justice 16 years in the case of boys, or the age of 18 years Act, 1960 in the case of girls. A delinquent juvenile cannot be sentenced to imprisonment.

Who is a juvenile in Nigeria?

Nigeria’s law classifies people under 17 years as juvenile offenders, who should only be tried in juvenile courts, whereas, under international instruments, the maximum age for trial in a juvenile court is 18.

What is juvenile home in India?

“A child is sent to juvenile homes when a heinous crime is committed, but there are also instances where the parents of the child do not come to take them from the court so they are sent to juvenile homes,” said Vadodara-based lawyer Komal Kukreja.