Where did the term YEGG come from?

The word “yegg” soon came to mean a burglar or a safecracker, a usage that’s also of uncertain origin, though there are several theories about its orgin. The most common suggestion is that this slang usage is derived from John Yegg, the alias of a bank robber in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What was a YEGG?

yegg \YEG\ noun. : one that breaks open safes to steal : safecracker; also : robber.

What does Peoce mean?

1. A thing considered as a unit or an element of a larger thing, quantity, or class; a portion: a piece of string. 2. A portion or part that has been separated from a whole: a piece of pie.

What does the term Yardbird mean?

Definition of yardbird 1 : a soldier assigned to a menial task or restricted to a limited area as a disciplinary measure. 2 : an untrained or inept enlisted man.

Why is a pistol called a piece?

The story goes, apparently, that “piece” is a corruption of “peace,” originally a shortened name of the Colt Peacemaker.

What’s the difference between piece and peace?

The words peace and piece are homophones: they are pronounced the same but have different meanings. The noun peace means contentment or the absence of war. The noun piece refers to a portion or a part of a whole.

Is inter alia a legal term?

(in-tur eh-lee-ah) prep. Latin for “among other things.” This phrase is often found in legal pleadings and writings to specify one example out of many possibilities. Example: “The judge said, inter alia, that the time to file the action had passed.”

How do you use inter alia?

You use inter alia, meaning ‘among other things,’ when you want to say that there are other things involved apart from the one you are mentioning. …a collector who had, inter alia, 900 engraved gems, 59 marble busts, and over 2,500 coins and medals.

What is half a yard bird?

HALF A YARDBIRD, FULL OF FLAVOR. Our Smokehouse Signature Chicken is fall-off-the-bone tender & juicy, specially seasoned then smoked low & slow. See you for dinner? Carry Out and Curbside Pickup available, with dining rooms now opening in select locations. Visit mission-bbq.com/covid-19 for details.

What is a yard pimp?

A savory blend of spices with a touch of SWEET and SAVORY with a nice touch of HEAT, created to bring out the best in any Pitmaster or Chef and is a must in everyone’s arsenal. Order today and start your next grilling experience. Also Goes great on Pork, veggies and seafood for an extra kick of flavor.