Where did the expression Okey Dokey come from?

The definition of “okie-dokie” is no different from its parent phrase, it’s just slightly more childish, a sing-song. Its popular use is sometimes traced back to the movie The Little Rascals, in which it is spelled “oki-doki.” Other accepted spellings are “okey-dokey” and (less commonly) “oukiedokie.”

Is it OK to say okey dokey?

Okey dokey is used in the same way as ‘OK’ to show that you agree to something, or that you want to start talking about something else or doing something else.

What does the Okey Doke mean?

You see, the term, “okey-doke,” meaning some sort of trick, game, scam, attempt to fool, shortchange, deceive or mislead, also came into use in the 1930s, principally among African Americans.

Who said okey dokey?

These expressions were first used in the 1930s. Today, a character on the American television series, “The Simpsons,” says it another way. He says okely-dokely.

What’s another word for Okey dokey?

What is another word for okey-dokey?

for sure please
OK okay
certainly definitely
okeydoke okey-doke
okeydokey roger

Is Okie Dokie Southern?

Okie dialect, Southern American English. Okie dokie, slang for okay.

What do you say after Okey dokey?

Okey-dokey Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for okey-dokey?

good okay
okey-doke righto
righty-ho right you are
wilco yea
yeah OK

Is Okie Dokie British?

okey-doke in British English informal another term for O.K.

What rhymes with Okie dokie?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
Okey Dokey 100 [/xxx]
okeydokey 100 [/x/x]
Okie Dokie 100 [/xxx]
hokeypokey 92 [/x/x]

What is another word for hunky dory?

What is another word for hunky-dory?

satisfactory fine
good okay
agreeable alright
OK palatable
copacetic copasetic

What does OKIE mean in slang?

Okie. / (ˈəʊkɪ) / noun US slang, sometimes offensive. an inhabitant of Oklahoma. an impoverished migrant farm worker, esp one who left Oklahoma during the Depression of the 1930s to work elsewhere in the US.

What’s another word for OKIE dokie?