Where did most Irish immigrants settle in England?

Manchester was one of the big three destination cities for Irish immigration to England. In sheer numbers, London was the largest but it was proportionally small. Liverpool was undoubtedly the most Irish city.

How do I look up immigration records?

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIA) Use our online FOIA system to request your own immigration record, another person’s immigration record, or non-A-File information such as policies, data, or communications.

Why did Irish immigrate to England?

Great Famine refugees The Great Famine in 1845 triggered a mass exodus from Ireland, with significant numbers of Irish migrants fleeing to Britain to escape severe poverty and starvation.

What is the most Irish city in England?

Arguably the most Irish city in England, Liverpool has a long history of Irish emigration dating back to the Irish Famine. Liverpool is the closest English city to Ireland, which meant that thousands of people fleeing the famine in Ireland landed in the city.

How do I find out where my family immigrated from?

Ask your relatives what they know and see if they have any old documents that might provide information, such as birth, marriage, or death certificates; steamship tickets; naturalization papers; a family Bible; or photos that can help identify people and narrow down dates.

Where did most of the Irish immigrants settle?

Irish immigrants in the 1840s and 1850s settled mainly in coastal states such as New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, but also in western states such as Illinois and Ohio.

How were the Irish treated when they came to England?

Living standards were low; disease, overcrowding, poor sanitation and consequent crime made life difficult in the bigger cities. The arrival of the Irish provided an easy scapegoat for this poverty: they were blamed for bringing degrading characteristics with them to pollute England.