Where can I send my black and white film to be developed?

We can upload your b&w film scans to Dropbox if you prefer. Send your black and white film to us for processing. Download an order form here and send it in along with your film. We’ll process your film and send it back fast.

Can I mail my film to get developed?

Film processing, printing and scanning available by mail. We’re happy to offer our high quality film developing to photographers around the country. You can send us your film for processing and we will get it processed and sent back to you fast.

Where can I send old film to be developed?

Walmart, Walgreens, and CVS all provide film development services. Walmart has the cheapest options but longest turnaround time and limited options, Walgreens can have the fastest turnaround time but is more expensive, and CVS delivers the best quality with a short turnaround time.

Is black and white film cheaper to develop?

Black and white (B&W) film is cheaper than color. You can often find it in reduced prices. Two: Developing B&W film in a lab usually costs a bit more than C-41 color. However, it’s easy to develop B&W film yourself at home.

Does Walgreens develop black and white film?

Yes, Walgreens does develop film. All stores with photo labs can develop 35mm film, but only selected stores develop 110 film, 127 film, black and white, negatives, APS (Advanced Photo System), and disposable cameras.

Does Shutterfly develop 35mm film?

REDWOOD SHORES, Calif. (June 27th, 2000) – Shutterfly, the leading online photo service (www.shutterfly.com) today announced an agreement with Kodak to offer 35mm and APS film developing and scanning services to Shutterfly customers.

How much does it cost to have film developed at CVS?

Short answer: Yes, CVS does develop film, and a third-party developer does it. All you have to do is drop off your film or disposable camera at a nearby CVS photo center to have it developed. It costs $12 for 12 exposures, and processing takes between 7-10 days for 35mm film and a disposable camera.

Why is B&W film more expensive?

Even with multi-spool tanks to do several rolls at once, you can only match like films that have identical chemicals and timings. With black and white, there’s much more time and labour going into the roll’s development, and that’s what you’re paying for.

Is it easier to develop black and white or color film?

A lot of people say that processing color film is very hard because you have to keep the temperature constant. But honestly, it’s not that hard! Once you figure out how to hold your temp constant, C-41 is easier and faster than B&W. The processing is a cookbook receipe, with no options for varying times.