Where can I pay my LG and E bill?

If you prefer to pay your monthly bill in person but are not close to one of our walk-in service centers, we have multiple retail locations – such as Kroger and Walmart – that serve as authorized pay agents.

Who owns Louisville Gas and Electric?

Louisville Gas & Electric
PPL Corporation
LG&E and KU Energy/Parent organizations

Can utilities be shut off right now in Kentucky 2021?

Beshear extends ban on cutting off utilities in Kentucky, adds additional protections. Gov. Andy Beshear signed an executive order Monday to extend the ban on cutting off utility services to Nov. 6, as well as to ensure additional protections for those behind on their bills.

How can I save on my electric bill?

Top energy saving tips

  1. Turn off all your appliances.
  2. Turn your heating down a notch.
  3. Take a shower.
  4. Cook efficiently.
  5. Keep your fridge & freezer cool.
  6. Hang your clothes out to dry.
  7. Energy-saving gadgets and tools.
  8. Switch your gas & electricity supplier.

Where does Kentucky get its electricity?

Although coal is Kentucky’s primary energy source, the state also produces oil and natural gas. Kentucky is the fifth-largest coal producing state in the United States, producing the coal needed to fuel 59 power plants in 13 states (pg. 52-53). Coal accounts for 75% of Kentucky’s electricity portfolio (pg.

Who bought Ky power?

Algonquin Power & Utilities’ subsidiary Liberty has agreed to acquire American Electric Power’s (AEP) Kentucky operations for an enterprise value of $2.846bn.

When can utilities be shut off in KY?

A panel of Kentucky lawmakers advanced a bill Wednesday to protect utilities’ right to charge late fees and terminate service to customers who fall behind on their bills during a declared state of emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do I get utility assistance in KY?

Contact your local community action agency or the Kentucky Housing Corporation for programs currently available. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) LIHEAP provides federally funded assistance to help families manage energy costs.