Where can I learn about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Teaching Resources

  • TeachMideast | The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
  • Rethinking Schools | Independence or Catastrophe?
  • The New York Times Learning Network | Teaching About the Current Conflict in Gaza and Israel.
  • Teach Palestine.
  • PBS Newshour Extra | Studying Israel-Palestine Conflict Through Media Literacy Lens.

What is Israel-Palestine conflict in simple words?

The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is a war and dispute that is still going on between the State of Israel and the Palestinians (some of which are represented by the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, or Hamas). It is part of the wider Arab–Israeli conflict.

What is the real conflict between Israel and Palestinian?

The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is an ongoing dispute between Israel and Palestinians, beginning in the mid-20th century. It is one of the world’s most enduring conflicts; the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip has lasted 54 years.

Where can I read about Palestine?

5 books to read to understand the Israel-Palestine conflict

  • My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel, Ari Shavit.
  • In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story, Ghada Karmi.
  • Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East, Abdel Monem Said Aly, Shai Feldman, Khalil Shikaki.

What is the best book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

The best books on The Israel-Palestine Conflict

  • The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. by Ilan Pappe.
  • The Invention of the Jewish People. by Shlomo Sand.
  • The Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy. by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.
  • One Country. by Ali Abunimah.
  • Mornings in Jenin. by Susan Abulhawa.

What are the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

The history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict began with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. This conflict came from the intercommunal violence in Mandatory Palestine between Israelis and Arabs from 1920 and erupted into full-scale hostilities in the 1947–48 civil war.

What are the root causes of the Israeli Palestinian conflict?

What do you read about Israel?

10 Must-Read Histories of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

  • Ronald Storrs, Orientations.
  • Meron Benvenisti, Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948.
  • Sari Nusseibeh, Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life.
  • Neil Caplan, The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories.