Where can I get IRS forms and publications?

Get the current filing year’s forms, instructions, and publications for free from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

  • Download them from IRS.gov.
  • Order by phone at 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676)

What are the IRS publications?

IRS publications are informational booklets written by the Internal Revenue Service that give taxpayers detailed guidance on tax issues.

What pages of my tax return should I print?

You only print the Form 1040 and any other forms and schedules that have tax data entered. The forms and schedules to include will have an Attachment Sequence Number in the upper right corner of the page. All the other pages in the PDF are for your use only and are Not sent with the tax return.

What is the IRS publication 17?

Publication 17 covers the general rules for filing a federal income tax return. It supplements the information contained in your tax form instruction booklet. It explains the tax law to make sure you pay only the tax you owe and no more.

Where can I get a copy of IRS publication 17?

To get a copy, visit the IRS web site at www.irs.gov under the “Forms and Pubs” section. It can be accessed directly at ftp.fedworld.gov/pub/irs- pdf/p17. pdf. Or it can be ordered by calling 1-800-829-3676.

What documents must be attached to 1040?

For supporting statements, arrange them in the same order as the schedules or forms they support and attach them last. n Attach a copy of Forms W-2, W-2G and 2439 to the front of Form 1040. Also attach Forms 1099-R if tax was withheld. n Use the coded envelope included with your tax package to mail your return.

Can I print Form 1040?

Yes, you can print the tax forms you download for free from the IRS website. You can also print forms from other sites that offer free downloads. If you use an online filing software, you can usually print the forms after you use the software to complete all the information.