Where can I fish in Shetucket River CT?

Fishing spots near Shetucket River

  • © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap. State Hospital Pond. Connecticut,
  • Trading Cove. Connecticut, United States.
  • Shantok Brook. Connecticut, United States.
  • Trading Cove Pond. Connecticut,
  • Poquetanuck Brook. Connecticut,
  • Hallville Pond. Connecticut,
  • Poquetanuck Cove. Connecticut,
  • Yantic River. Connecticut,

What fish are in the Shetucket River?

The Shetucket River has brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout and Atlantic Salmon. Its water varies depending on where you are fishing. In its uppermost waters near Willimantic, it looks just like any urban river but below Willimantic, it begins to look much more like a trout stream.

Where do they stock salmon in CT?

Atlantic Salmon Management Areas

  • Naugatuck River. Upper Section: From RT 118 (Harwinton-Litchfield) downstream to the Thomaston Dam. Lower Section: From Prospect Street (Naugatuck) downstream to Pines Bridge Road (Beacon Falls)
  • Shetucket River. From the Scotland Dam (Scotland) downstream to the Occum Dam (Norwich)

Where are landlocked salmon in CT stocked?

Salmon are Stocked Into Three Designated “Management” Areas: From Prospect Street, Naugatuck, downstream to Pines Bridge Road, Beacon Falls (Lower section).

Are there salmon in the salmon River in Connecticut?

On a hunch, they searched likely upstream spawning habitat and there found the three nests full of eggs. In the spring of 2016 they will hatch the first wild salmon into that river in two centuries. (In 1991 a few salmon spawned for the first time in centuries in Connecticut’s nearby Salmon River.)

When can you catch salmon in CT?

The Atlantic Salmon season runs from October 1 through November 30 as a catch-and-release fishery, where all salmon must be returned to the river. From December 1 through March 31 anglers may keep one salmon per day.

Are there salmon in Salmon River CT?

Where is the Shetucket River?

The Shetucket River is a tributary of the Thames River, 20.4 miles (32.8 km) long, in eastern Connecticut in the United States. It is formed at Willimantic by the junction of the Willimantic and Natchaug rivers. It flows southeast and south.

Can you keep salmon in CT?

Continuing through March 31, 2021, the daily creel limit for Atlantic salmon will be one.

Can salmon live in ponds?

All you need is a well-constructed pond and you can keep a steady supply of fresh salmon right in your own backyard.

Where can I fish on Salmon River CT?

The majority of the anglers that fish the Salmon River access it in the Salmon River State Park where they fish the Trout Management Area. River Road runs along the stream and provides access. The River Road crosses the Blackledge River and provides access to the Salmon River State Forest and the Trout Management Area.

Can you kayak on the Shetucket River?

The Shetucket River Water Trail offers 22 miles of paddling within an hour’s drive of three of New England’s largest urban and metropolitan regions. Many of the segments provide an opportunity for family-friendly, close-to-home outdoor adventures.