Where can I find silver birch trees?
Where can I find silver birch trees?
Silver birch is a popular garden tree and often hybridises with our other native birch, the downy birch, Betula pubescens, which is more common in Scotland. Tolerant of a range of temperatures, it grows as far south as Spain and as far north as Lapland. It thrives in dry woodlands, downs and heaths.
Where can you find birch trees in the US?
Native birches live in temperate or boreal climates across the northern part of North America. Paper birch (B. papyrifera), the white-barked tree used widely by trading native nations and Voyageurs, grows from Alaska to Maine, but only as far south as the mountains of Virginia, Tennessee and Oregon.
Is silver birch fast growing?
Silver birch is fast growing and can reach 20m (65ft) or more on maturity. The branches are notable for their pendulous ends, which give it a gently weeping appearance. The bark is white often with black diamond shaped markings.
Can you grow a silver birch tree?
Silver birch is a fast-growing tree and can, therefore, be sown later in the year and still produce good growth in one season. Aim to sow during April on seedbeds or in a pot (5-10 seeds per pot and remove all but the strongest seedling). Cover the seed with only 1-2mm coarse horticultural sand or grit.
What is the difference between birch and silver birch?
Not to be confused with: Silver birch (Betula pendula) and the two easily hybridise. Silver birch has hairless and warty shoots whereas downy birch shoots are covered in small, downy hairs. The bark of downy birch isn’t as white and papery as silver birch.
How close can you plant silver birch trees?
Birches are attractive as single specimens or in small groups. If space permits, plant a number of different species with differing bark colours and textures to provide contrast. Alternatively, plant several species closely at a spacing of 90cm (3ft).
Why are birch trees planted in threes?
Height. One possible reason people plant silver birches in groups of three is to reduce their height. In the wild, this tree can attain 100 feet, making it too tall for many backyards and gardens.
How long does it take a silver birch to mature?
Birch trees grow quickly reaching 8m tall with a 3m spread in 10 years, 18m x 4m in 20 years and 25m x 10m ultimately. Mature trees form a narrow, conical shape with arching branches and hanging twigs. Birches are very hardy and tolerant of exposure.
Do silver birch tree roots cause problems?
Do Silver Birch Tree Roots Cause Problems? Yes! Silver birch trees grow vigorously and have the potential for damaging structures in their vicinity – a common issue is with residential foundations. This can be more severe when the silver birch is growing in clay soil.
How long does it take for silver birch to grow?
Can you plant silver birch near House?
Silver birches are among the best trees for small gardens since they never produce too dense a canopy and their root systems are unlikely to shift foundations. That said, always make sure they are planted at least 10 feet from the house.
What is the average lifespan of the silver birch tree?
What is the life expectancy of a silver birch tree? 60 to 80 yearsThe silver birch is a very adaptable tree and grows in a wide variety of conditions – cold, warm, wet, dry. It grows quite quickly but has a shorter lifespan than many other trees, lasting a maximum of 60 to 80 years, often less.
How to identify the silver birch tree?
How to identify Birches are easily recognised by their white, papery bark. The Silver birch has ‘drooping’ branches and triangular leaves, with jagged teeth that grow from hairless leaf stalks. The leaves of the similar Downy Birch grow from hairy stalks and more rounded; it also has more upright branches.
How long does a silver birch tree live?
about 140 years. Similarly, how long do silver birch trees live? 50 to 60 years. Also know, how do you know if a birch tree is dying? The tell-tale sign of a dying birch tree is the wilting and dying of foliage from the crown, or top of the tree, along with D-shaped insect exit holes in the bark.
How tall is the average silver birch tree?
Silver birch trees, Betula pendula, are a common fixture in the forests of the UK and North America that belong to the Betulaceae family (the same family as beeches). The tree is named for the silvery-white bark of its mature growth stage and can grow up to 100 feet tall with a circumference of 10-16 feet.