Where can I find my company registration number in Hong Kong?
Where can I find my company registration number in Hong Kong?
You should be able to find your CRN in the top left corner of the Certificate of Incorporation.
What is a business registration number in Hong Kong?
A Business Registration Number (BRN) is a unique number assigned to a business by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) of Hong Kong upon registration. It is used as a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for businesses. This means that a BRN is necessary for all legal business operations and tax payments in Hong Kong.
How can I find my CR number in Hong Kong?
You can search for your company’s CR number on the website of the Hong Kong Companies Registry. Your company’s BR number can be found on the Business Registration Number Enquiry section of the Inland Revenue Department’s website.
How do I find a company registry in Hong Kong?
You can visit the Companies Registry’s 24×7 Cyber Search Centre (www.icris.cr.gov.hk) to obtain information on all companies in the Companies Register (including dissolved companies) and image records of documents registered and kept by the Registrar of Companies.
Is UEN and registration number the same?
UEN is previously known as the company registration number in Singapore. It was in 2009 when the Ministry of Finance and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) launched the UEN.
What is the CR number?
CR Number means Commercial Registration Number of the Company.
How do I get a company number?
Where Can I Find My Company Registration Number?
- On your company’s certificate of incorporation.
- Emails or letters from your company formation agent or accountant.
- Any official correspondence with Companies House, such as letters or emails.
Where can I find my company registration number?
If you forget or misplace your company registration number, you can find it in the following places:
- On your company’s certificate of incorporation.
- Emails or letters from your company formation agent or accountant.
- Any official correspondence with Companies House, such as letters or emails.
Is UEN a company registration number?
How can I find the CIN number of a company?
Click on the ‘Find CIN’ option from the drop-down list under the ‘Company Services’ option. Select the ‘Search Based on Existing Company / LLP Name’ option. Type the company name under the ‘Existing Company’ option, enter the captcha code and click on the ‘Search’ button. The company’s CIN will be displayed.