Where can I find lightsaber crystals?

icebound caves of Ilum
At the heart of every Jedi lightsaber is a kyber crystal found on several planets, most notably the icebound caves of Ilum.

Where do you get lightsaber crystals in swtor?

You can get crystals from a lot of places some are available from the PVP vendor on the fleet, and the GTN will have a ton of them for sale under the Item Modifications section. Other players can craft them as for you if you ask and provide credits/materials.

Where can I find a purple lightsaber crystal in Kotor?

In which locations can I find purple crystals? Two guaranteed drop locations are a rubble pile in the eastern dune sea on Tatooine, and an urn in Tulak Hord’s tomb in Korriban. Though the random dark Jedi ambushers like on Tatooine and Kashyyyk often carry purple lightsabers with them and you can loot it from them.

Where are purple kyber crystals found?

planet Ilum
Unlike other lightsaber crystals that were commonly found on the planet Ilum, among other regions of the galaxy, purple lightsabers were most notably found on the planet Hurikane.

Where do I get lightsaber parts in SWTOR?

It can be purchased from the ‘Equipment Commendations Vendor’ in the Galactic Market on Coruscant for 14 ‘Coruscant Commendations’ It is an orange upgradeable item as well. Also you can get green sabers as drops.

Is there a Darksaber in SWTOR?

They can’t add Darksaber to SWTOR because SWTOR takes place over 3,500 years BEFORE Rebels. Tonight’s episode of Rebels revealed that Darksaber was built only 1,000 years before Rebels takes place. In other words Darksaber does not exist yet.

Can you get a red lightsaber in Kotor?

Provided if you just got your first lightsaber on Dantooine, there is a crystal cave you can visit on the same planet, accessible from the western side of the Sandral Grounds area. You can find about a dozen red crystals in there, along with other basic colors and upgrade crystals.

What color lightsaber do GREY Jedi have?

Gray Jedi do not wield a lightsaber with a specific blade color. Some Gray Jedi wield lightsabers with common lightsaber blade colors like green or blue. Other Gray Jedi wield lightsabers with unusual, less common colors like yellow, orange and silver lightsabers.

What was the least common lightsaber color?

Yellow lightsabers are some of the rarest blades to be wielded by a member of the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano, and Rey Skywalker have been known to utilize them on occasion, but they are primarily the blade color of the Jedi Sentinel.