Where can I find jewfish in Hawkesbury?

The areas we fish on this charter include Lion Head, Box Head, The Bommie, Flint & Steel, Juno Point, Gunya Point, Wobbies, The Bridges, The Vines, Bar Point, Little Settlement and Pumpkin Point to name just a few.

Why are mulloway called Soapies?

Juvenile mulloway are known as “soapies” because of their unpleasant taste. Larger fish lose this “soapy” flavour and are highly rated as a food fish.

Is jewfish the same as mulloway?

Mulloway/jewfish in Australia. As explained above Argyrosomus japonicus, are commonly known by different names across Australia, but most Australians refer to them as mulloway or jewfish. They are a prized catch when it comes to fishing and are notoriously difficult to target.

What sort of fish are in Hawkesbury River?

The beautiful Hawkesbury River is also a great location to go fishing. Whether you’re an experienced angler or an aspiring novice, here you’ll find many ideal fishing spots. Put your fishing skills to the test, with mulloway aka jewfish, kingfish, bream, bass, tailor, and salmon present in the Hawkesbury river.

Where do you catch squid in the Hawkesbury River?

Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery
In NSW, the main catch of broad squid is by the Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery, particularly in the Hawkesbury River system where they are targeted. Annual landings from the Hawkesbury are between 20 and 40 t.

Can you fish at Wisemans Ferry?

Wisemans Ferry is well known for catching flathead, mainly around the lower Wisemans Ferry area, around 5kms downstream from Wisemans Ferry. The keen fisherman loves fishing from Singleton Road, Wisemans Ferry because bream are very attracted to this area.

Is butterfish a mulloway?

For example: Mulloway is traditionally known as butterfish in South Australia. Selling imported Hake or Hoki as butterfish which is of lower value and different country of origin than Mulloway is a misrepresentation of butterfish.

What is Australian jewfish?

Mulloway is a large predatory fish widely distributed throughout inshore coastal marine and estuarine sandy and reef environments; and is targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries around subtropical and southern Australia.

Is it safe to eat fish from Hawkesbury River?

Fishers advised not to consume shellfish from the lower Hawkesbury River.

Where can I find live bait in Hawkesbury?

You can catch squid just as you enter pittwater behind the lighthouse. Look for the weed beds. Try dropping a livey at Juno point around the tide changes!

Can you fish the Hawkesbury River for Jewfish?

Last blog I promised to tell you of my adventure into the Hawkesbury river fishing for jewfish . We started out this morning at 6.30 am to get to the first spot by 7.30 am , Half an hour from slack tide . We arrived there to see our friends got here first , so we went to the second spot .

How did the Hawkesbury River get its name?

It was on this expedition that Phillip identified the river and named it in honour of Lord Hawkesbury, the president of the Board of Trade in Britain.

Where to go fishing in Hawkesbury Valley?

Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley is conveniently located in the heart of Hawkesbury Valley, very close to the Hawkesbury River and its many great fishing locations. Although fishing can be a fun and exciting activity for the whole family, you need to make sure you know the rules of the game.

Are the Hawkesbury and Nepean rivers the same river?

In 1791, Phillip, Hunter and Lieutenant Watkin Tench led further expeditions to explore the Hawkesbury and Nepean rivers, which established that they were in fact the same river.