Where can I find enchanted weapons in Oblivion?

The Legion Commander’s Chest in the Imperial Legion Offices has a 25% of respawning both enchanted armor and weapons, in addition to 2 pieces of either regular armor and weapons.

How do you get enchantments in Oblivion?

Enchanting magic items can be done in two ways:

  1. By using a Sigil Stone recovered from a plane of Oblivion, or;
  2. By using a filled Soul Gem at an Altar of Enchanting at the Arcane University, the Arch-Mage’s Quarters inside the University tower, or Frostcrag Spire.

Where are altars of enchanting Oblivion?

Most Altars of Enchanting are located at the Arcane University. There are four inside the Chironasium, and one inside the Arch-Mage’s personal quarters. You cannot use these unless you are a member of the Mages Guild with access to the Arcane University.

What level does Daedric armor appear in Oblivion?

level 20
Acquisition. In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, it appears at level 20, and can be obtained outside the Oblivion planes, most often on vampires, high level Dremora, and leveled enemies in caves and Dungeons.

What is the best soul gem in Oblivion?

The grand soul gem is the largest soul gem, and can carry any size of white soul. When filled with the best applicable soul, their capacity utilized in enchanting is 1600.

Can you double enchant in Oblivion?

While you can find (and eventually enchant!) weapons with multiple enchantments, weapons in Oblivion only have two states: enchanted, and unenchanted. Once enchanted, weapons cannot be un-enchanted, and there is no way to add/subtract abilities, charge size, or effect magnitude after the initial enchantment.

Where do I get my imperial dragon armor?

Imperial Dragon Armor is the reward for completing the main quest. The armor is special-ordered and can be picked up from a table in the Armory in the Imperial City Prison District 14 days after completing the “Light the Dragonfires” quest.