Where can I find Elynea?

Elynea Mothren is a Dunmer alchemist living on Solstheim. She runs the Tel Mithryn Apothecary and serves as Neloth’s mycologist.

How old is Neloth?

Neloth is well over 200 years old, he was older than that when the Nerevarine met him in Morrowind.

Who is Elynea in Skyrim?

Elynea Mothren
Race Dunmer
Gender Female
Location Tel Mithryn
Class Apothecary

Where is Ildari?

Ildari Sarothril is a Dunmer necromancer who once served as an apprentice of Neloth, the Telvanni wizard who lives at Tel Mithryn on the island of Solstheim. She is encountered in Highpoint Tower during the quest Old Friends.

Why is Neloth fighting me?

this may be because you have bounty in raven rock. trust me this has happen to me before on other missions so your best bet is to check your bounty in the main menu and then go to raven rock and either pay it off or get arrested. once you have done that try again and they should not attack you.

Where does Niyya go?

If she is freed, she is later found at The Retching Netch inn in Raven Rock, if she survives the trip to the settlement.

Does Neloth sleep?

Despite there being several beds in Tel Mithryn, Neloth never seems to sleep. A trait best summarized by Talvas when he remarks: “I don’t know how he does it, but he never rests for even a moment.”, although on other occasions he reveals that Neloth apparently sleeps with his eyes open.

What does Neloths memory spell do?

“Records memories of your experiences for Neloth.” The ability has no discernible effect, but lasts for more than 35000 hours. It is also listed under active effects as “Memory Recorder.”

Who is Mogrul in Skyrim?

Skyrim:Mogrul (Dragonborn)

Mogrul (RefID: xx01959B)
Home City Raven Rock
Location The Retching Netch
Race Orc Male
Level 30 Warrior