Where can I find Eevee in Hearthome City?

Hearthome City If you have, head to Sandgem Town and speak to Professor Rowan, who has a special friend visiting. You’ll receive the National Dex. From here, Fly to Hearthome City and speak to Bebe in the house next to the Pokemon Center. She will gift you a level 10 Eevee!

Who gives you a Eevee in Pokémon Platinum?

Catching an Eevee in Pokémon Platinum is extremely difficult, but you can get your first one from Bebe in Hearthome City or in the Trophy Garden on Route 212. Breeding Eevee is the best option.

How do you get Bebe Eevee in Pokémon Platinum?

After the player obtains the National Pokédex, she will give them a level 5 Eevee in Diamond and Pearl. This Eevee came from a good friend in Johto before being passed onto the player. In Pokémon Platinum, the Eevee is at level 20, and available right away, without the need of the National Pokédex.

Where is the gift Eevee in Platinum?

Bebe Hearthome City
Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

Species Received from Location
Togepi Egg Cynthia Eterna City
Eevee Bebe Hearthome City
Happiny Egg Unnamed Hiker Hearthome City west gate
Porygon Unnamed Pokéfan Veilstone City

Where do I find Eevee?

Where to find Eevee in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Eevee can be found in the grass on Route 4 at any time during the day or night. You’ll arrive at Route 4 after taking the train from Wedgehurst. Eevee is very elusive, so it’s going to take a while for it to appear.

What is the strongest form of Eevee?

When strictly considering CP, the strongest Eeveelution in Pokemon GO is Espeon. Espeon has the highest CP ceiling of any Eeveelution, and is capable of hitting 3,170 when the trainer hits level 40. Though Espeon is strong, it doesn’t quite run away with the category.

How do you get two Eevees in Pokémon Platinum?


  1. To go to the Underground, you will need an Explorer Kit. You can get one from the Underground Man in Eterna City.
  2. Go to the Trophy Garden and talk to the mansion owner.
  3. To get more Eevee and all of it’s Eeveelutions, try breeding Eevee with a Ditto or another Eevee.

Can the Eevee from Bebe be shiny?

As far as we know, Eevee is not shiny locked. That means you could save near Bebe and get an Eevee over and over again by restarting your game and hopefully obtain a shiny version at some point.

Where is Bebe in Hearthome?

Bebe is located in Hearthome City, in the house next to the Pokémon Center. After the player character talks to her and goes to their PC, they will see “BEBE’S PC” instead of “SOMEONE’S PC”.