Where are ward pipe fittings made?

Proudly Made in America Since 1924 We are rooted in a long tradition of American manufacturing, having been established in 1924 in Pennsylvania, where our corporate headquarters and manufacturing facilities remain to this day.

How do you use Ward flex fittings?

First-time connection:

  1. Cut WARDFLEX tubing and remove PE coating to expose a minimum of four corrugations.
  2. Slide nut over tubing and place retainer ring. Leave one corrugation exposed on the end of tubing.
  3. Slide nut over retainer and hand tighten.
  4. Tighten with wrenches. Turn until nut contacts body. Announcements.

Can Wardflex be used outside?

(I.e., yes, it can be used outdoors.)

Who makes Tracpipe?

Since 1975, OmegaFlex has led the piping industry with its high-quality construction and commitment to exceed the industry’s product and safety standards. With over 200 patents and counting, the Company’s philosophy is not to wait for mandates, but to lead the industry by introducing the best products.

What is WARDFLEX made of?

A: WARDFlex® is Corrugated Stainless-Steel Tubing (CSST). It is a continuous, flexible, annular gas piping system that delivers more performance and installation advantages when compared to either black-steel pipe or ordinary CSST systems.

Does WARDFLEX need to be bonded?

Q: Is WARDFLEX required to be bonded? A: Yes, WARDFLEX CSST must be bonded.

Can WARDFLEX fittings be reused?

A: WARDFlex® is superior to other CSST fittings in many ways: The double-seal metal-to-metal and metal-to-gasket increases reliability and reduces potential for leaks. The reusable gasket allows for fast reassembly without replacing any components, including the gasket.

What is TracPipe made of?

TracPipe® CounterStrike® is a flexible stainless steel piping system used for natural gas and propane installations. CounterStrike® is currently in use for gas piping systems in single and multi-family residential as well as commercial and industrial buildings.

Can you bury TracPipe?

Can TracPipe® CounterStrike® be buried? TracPipe® CounterStrike® cannot be directly buried in the ground. It must be in a non-metallic watertight conduit. TracPipe® CounterStrike® manufacturers an underground system which is pre-sleeved with the required watertight conduit called TracPipe® PS-II (patented).

Can Wardflex fittings be reused?

Does Wardflex need to be bonded?