Where are they catching walleye in the western basin of Lake Erie?
Where are they catching walleye in the western basin of Lake Erie?
Port Clinton is the Walleye Capital of the World, so it is the go-to launch for the Western Basin and that is where you will find the largest concentration of Lake Erie fishing charters. The Western Basin is productive in the spring during spawning season and in the fall.
How many walleye are in the western basin of Lake Erie?
According to Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), this is a banner spring for walleye fishing, as it is estimated that there are more than 150 million walleye in Lake Erie right now that are at least 15” long – the legal keep length.
Where are the walleye hitting on Lake Erie?
The walleye are easier to find and are abundant around certain areas. The best time of year to hook a walleye is May and June along the shallow waters of Lake Erie after the walleye are done spawning. The leading hot spots are Monroe, Sterling State Park, Bolles Harbor and Luna Pier.
Where are the perch biting in the western basin of Lake Erie?
The hot areas for catching perch, including many 30-fish limits of 8- to 10-inchers, have been the Lake Erie Firing Zone off Port Clinton and Camp Perry, and the waters north of Kelleys Island.
Where are the biggest walleye in Lake Erie?
Those big fish are most often found in late March and April on the Western Lake Erie reefs, and in Maumee and Sandusky rivers.
How old is a 30 inch Lake Erie walleye?
A 30 inch walleye averages 16 to 25 years old. Growth rates largely depend on habitat quality and forage abundance. After reaching maturity around year three, walleye grow between 0.5 and 1 inch per year.
Are there pike in Lake Erie?
Historically, Northern pike were more abundant than they are today but they are still found in the western basin of Lake Erie including Sandusky Bay, Maumee Bay, and the remaining marshlands. Northern pike can also be found in tributaries to Lake Erie in late winter or early spring during their spawning migration.
How do you catch big walleye in Lake Erie?
Trolling is by far the most productive fishing technique for catching Walleye on Lake Erie. When you go fishing with your charter, chances are you’ll either be drifting or trolling. If you’d prefer to do be more hands-on, some good old-fashioned casting and jigging is always an option.