Where are the knights of the nine oblivion?

The Knights of the Nine are a religious faction located in Cyrodiil. The order plays a significant role in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion DLC named after the faction itself.

How do I get into the Knights of the Nine in Oblivion?

Knights of the Nine quests start at the beginning of the game or as soon as the add-on is installed. As you talk to the citizens they’ll be talking about an attack on the Anvil Chapel and a Prophet. Talk to them to learn more, then go to the Anvil Chapel to check it out.

Where is the Priory of the nine oblivion?

The Priory of the Nine is a small settlement located about half-way between Bravil and Skingrad, near the Elsweyr border. The Priory houses the once-great Knights of the Nine.

How long does Knights of the Nine take?


Single-Player Polled Average
Main Story 27 4h 17m
Main + Extras 11 10h 52m
Completionists 9 11h 26m
All PlayStyles 47 7h 12m

Do Knights of the Nine Respawn?

They are armed with a leveled longsword and bow (up to Ebony quality) and silver arrows. If killed, they respawn at the Priory of the Nine after three days.

What is the final mission given to the Knights to complete?

In the Morte D’Arthur, 150 knights set out to find the Grail but only three knights—Sir Bors, Sir Percival, and Sir Galahad—actually find the Grail.

Is the Priory of the Nine safe storage?

After the priory has been fully restored (at the end of the Knights of the Nine quest line), the priory’s containers can be used to safely store items. However, storing ingredients and potions in the priory is not advisable, as the knights may take them.

Where is Weynon Priory on oblivion?

Weynon Priory is a chapel and settlement southeast of Chorrol. At the settlement, there is a priory that has an altar.

What happened to the Knights of the Nine after Oblivion?

The Knights of the Nine never recovered. Although not all of the knights left to fight in the war, many of them went out on their own, questing to reclaim the remaining relics. Sir Ralvas travelled to Leyawiin in pursuit of the Mace of the Crusader.