Where are practice pages in yearbook Avenue?
Where are practice pages in yearbook Avenue?
Click on File in left hand corner, then select new practice page in pull down menu. Drag onto center of page. On left hand side, change name and class period to your name and class period. On left hand side, pull down menu to SAVE AS PRACTICE PAGE.
How do you create a practice page on Jostens yearbook Avenue?
Create a Practice Page!…To use your saved Practice Page at a later time:
- Click the DESIGNS button.
- Expand the Custom Category.
- Click Practice Pages.
- Your list of saved Practice Pages will display.
- Drag the Practice Page you want to use onto the page set, overwriting the current page.
- Save the page.
What resources can be found on yearbook Avenue?
Yearbook Avenue (YBA): Access to tools to create, sell, and promote your yearbook. YBA includes record keeping software, page generators, coverage reports, etc. to ensure your staff runs smoothly.
How do you wrap text in Jostens Yearbook Avenue?
To apply a text wrap, click on the object you would like your text to wrap around. This is usually a image or shape. Then, go to the frame tab on the top tool bar. Select the wrap text option.
How do I move pages on Jostens Yearbook Avenue?
Drag and drop the selected page set from its current location to a new location. You’ll be asked to confirm the change. Switch easily between Single and Double Page View. As always, don’t hesitate to call our office for help as we know there are lot of pieces to consider before moving pages.
How do you add fonts to Jostens yearbook Avenue?
Adding and Using Fonts
- Use the Plan drop-down and select the Fonts page.
- Use the ‘Type’ drop-down to view fonts for specific category.
- Choose from the Available Fonts list.
- Use the Slider to change the font to ‘Active’
How do you make a click and go in Yearbook Avenue?
To place the Click-N-Go!
- Select a Click-N-Go! from Designs / My Click-N-Go! and drag it to your spread.
- When the Click-N-Go! is placed, all of the elements in it will be grouped together.
- Leave them grouped to move them around on the page.
How do I create a Jostens template?
All of these can be found in the Designs tab of Page Designer (Create > Page Designer). Experiment with different layouts to find which ones you like. Once you find one you want to use you can save it as a template (File > Save as Template) for use on other pages of your book.