Where are Neimoidians from?

planet of Neimoidia
Neimoidians, also known as Neimoidian Duros, were a species of humanoids that were distant genetic relatives of Duros. They were native to the planet of Neimoidia and also lived on colony worlds in the same sector like Cato Neimoidia, Deko Neimoidia, and Koru Neimoidia.

Are there female Neimoidians?

Affiliation(s) Tey How was a Neimoidian female who served as a battleship pilot for the Trade Federation during its blockade and subsequent invasion of the planet Naboo.

Are Duros and Neimoidian the same?

The Duros were also one of the founding races of the Galactic Republic. Years before the formation of the Republic, the Duros colonized the planet Neimoidia, giving rise to a genetically distinct “newer version” of Duros, the Neimoidians.

Is Theed a planet?

Theed was the capital city of the Naboo, a society of humans who lived on the planet of the same name. It was home to the Royal House of Naboo’s palace, which was situated on the Palace Plaza.

What is Neimoidians accent?

In the French, Spanish and Italian versions, the Neimoidians were given Russian accents. In the American versions, however, the Neimoidians were given thick Asian accents, in particular Japanese and, in the case of Nute Gunray, Thai.

Is Naboo a Earth?

The Naboo system comprises five planets: Moth (Venus type), Erep (Venus type), Naboo (Earth type), Widow (Mars type) and Storm (Jupiter type).

What race is the Pyke Syndicate?

sentient humanoids
The Pykes were a species of sentient humanoids native to the planet Oba Diah. The species was distinguished by their unsettlingly large heads and undersized faces. A notable group of Pykes was the Pyke Syndicate, the galaxy’s preeminent suppliers of spice, a narcotic substance mined by slaves on the planet Kessel.

What race is Admiral Thrawn?

Chiss male
Mitth’raw’nuruodo, better known as Thrawn, was a Chiss male who hailed from the planet Rentor in the Unknown Regions, a dangerous and uncharted region of the galaxy.

How tall are Neimoidians?

1.9 to 2.11 meters
Adult individuals were known to be tall, ranging from 1.9 to 2.11 meters. Neimoidians had long, bony hands with five pointed fingers, one of which was an opposable thumb.