When were female cadets allowed in JROTC?

JROTC commanders said the dropout rates from the program are about the same, roughly a third, for both sexes. Although the programs began in the 1960s, it wasn’t until the early 1970s that girls were allowed to join.

What uniform do ROTC cadets wear?

Class A uniform consists of the following: (1) Male – Garrison beret, Army service coat and trousers, white service shirt (short or long sleeve), a black four-in hand necktie, black oxford shoes, black socks, black belt with brass buckle and tip, black all weather coat (optional), uniform brass and accessories.

Which way does a female belt go for JROTC?

The Gig line must always be straight, it’s a straight line from the belt buckle to the top of the Uniform. The Male belt is looped around the left side while the female belt is looped around the right side, the belt is the biggest part of the gig line, make sure you keep it straight!

How are ribbons positioned on the Class A uniform for females?

Q: How are ribbons positioned on the class A uniform? A: Ribbons are centered on the left side 1/8 of an inch above the left pocket for males. For females, parallel to the nametag which is between 1 and 2 inches above the top button.

What is the rule for specific female cadet guidelines in JROTC?

Female Cadets a) The bulk, style, and length of the hair will not interfere with the wear of the uniform or headgear. Hair will be kept groomed and will not present a ragged, or unkept appearance. Hair will not extend below the bottom edge of the collar and should not be cut so short as to appear unfeminine.

Can you have tattoos in JROTC?

Cadets are expected to maintain good hygiene while in uniform. Tattoos are authorized except in areas of the body which would cause the tattoo to be exposed while in Class A uniform.

Where are the ribbons worn on the female uniform?

Male personnel wear the ribbons centered 1/8 inch above the left pocket. Female personnel wear the ribbons centered on the left side, with the bottom row positioned parallel to the bottom edge of the nameplate.