When was the blizzard in Knoxville Tennessee?

The 1993 Storm of the Century (also known as the 93 Superstorm, The No Name Storm, or the Great Blizzard of ’93/1993) was a large cyclonic storm that formed over the Gulf of Mexico on March 12, 1993….Impact.

Place Total
Knoxville, TN 15 in (38 cm)

When was the last blizzard in the USA?

January 2016 United States blizzard

Category 5 “Extreme” (RSI/NOAA: 20.14)
The intensifying extratropical cyclone responsible for the blizzard over the Northeastern United States, at 2:15 a.m. EST (07:15 UTC) on January 23, 2016
Formed January 19, 2016
Dissipated January 29, 2016

When was the largest snowfall in Tennessee?

1918- Dickson receives its greatest snowstorm ever, with an accumulation of 15″. 1927- The Cumberland River at Nashville crests at a record 56.2′ — 16.2′ above flood stage — in the “Great Flood of 1927.” The river swells to 3 miles wide at one point.

How often does it snow in Knoxville TN?

The US average is 28 inches of snow per year….Climate Averages.

Knoxville, Tennessee United States
Rainfall 50.3 in. 38.1 in.
Snowfall 5.8 in. 27.8 in.
Precipitation 127.3 days 106.2 days
Sunny 204 days 205 days

When was the last time Tennessee had snow?

Since then, the most amount of snow to land in one day at Nashville is 8.2 inches (20.8 centimetres) on March 22, 1968….Nashville – Extreme Daily Snowfall for Each Year.

Inches Date Centimetres
0.4 November 11, 2019 1.0
1.7 January 16, 2018 4.3
1.5 March 11, 2017 3.8
8.0 January 22, 2016 20.3