When should lacecap hydrangeas be pruned?

You should consider pruning in late winter (be sure to start with the oldest stems), and deadheading can also be an effective pruning method with this plant. After the plant has flowered, cut off the longer flowering shoots to a lower bud, which will help your lacecap hydrangeas to continue to flower all summer long.

Can I hard prune a lacecap hydrangea?

Lacecap hydrangea information tells you that these shrubs tolerate severe pruning. If your lacecap shrub is older and doesn’t flower much, revitalize it by trimming off a third of the stems at ground level. Do this in late winter, and pick the oldest stems to eliminate.

Do lacecap hydrangeas bloom on new or old wood?

old wood
Some lacecaps bloom on the previous season’s growth (old wood), while others bloom on the current season’s growth (new wood). Reblooming varieties bloom on both old and new wood.

Which hydrangeas should not be pruned?

Hydrangeas that bloom on old wood do not need pruning and are better off for it. If you leave them alone, they’ll bloom more profusely the next season.

How do I get my lacecap hydrangea to bloom?

Alkaline soil results in pinker blooms, while acidic soil with aluminum produces blooms on the blue or purple spectrum. For containers, use a high-quality all-purpose potting mix. Watering: Hydrangeas need regular water for healthy growth and optimal flowering. Keep soil evenly moist but not soggy.

What happens if you don’t deadhead hydrangeas?

If you simply skip deadheading hydrangeas, no harm will come to your plant. At least nothing so serious that you should stress about it. Your hydrangea may not produce as many blooms as if spent blooms would have been removed, nor the blooms will be very large. But it will still bloom, regardless.

What do I do if my hydrangea is too big?

“Cutting back the plants to 15 to 18 inches in the late winter will encourage new growth from the ground up, while the older stems can help provide support for the new growth.”

Should I deadhead lacecap hydrangea?

Should you deadhead lacecap hydrangea? Deadheading is not required, but you may remove spent flowers to tidy up plants. Many gardeners leave flowers in fall to provide winter interest.

What is the difference between lacecap and mophead hydrangea?

Lacecap hydrangeas are almost identical to mophead hydrangeas with the only difference existing in their flowers. They have tiny fertile flower buds in the center, with showy flowers that circle the edge of the flower head.

Should I deadhead my lacecap hydrangea?