When should I Reclass Lissa?

Simply experiment with reclassing until you’ve decided which class you want to keep Lissa in. By then, she’ll be an extremely powerful asset in your army, assuming you’re still using her. One thing to keep in mind when re-classing for skills is that, at first, combat is probably going to suck.

Are Chrom and Lissa siblings?

Lissa is Chrom and Emmeryn’s younger sister, and a princess of the Halidom of Ylisse. In spite of her noble status, she aids Chrom in battle as part of the Shepherds as their primary healer.

How old is Lissa from Fire Emblem?

Page actions

Gender Female
Race Human
Age Approximately 15 (pre-time skip) Approximately 17 (post-time skip)
Birthday March 6th
Family Emmeryn (older sister) Chrom (older brother) Owain (son) Ophelia (granddaughter) Lucina (niece) Marth, Caeda, Cornelius, Marcelus, Liza, Mostyn (ancestors) Elice, Anri (indirect ancestors)

What is the best class for Lissa?

Lissa Stat Growth Information at a Glance

Class HP Str
Pegasus Knight 75 40
Falcon Knight 75 40
Dark Flier 75 35
Troubadour/Valkyrie 70 25

How old is Frederick Fe?

Frederick (24+) – I gauge Frederick to be in his mid 20’s. He’s much more mature than Chrom, Lissa or Robin, so of the four, Frederick most resembles a full-fledged adult. It could be his knighthood that makes him so serious, but I don’t think Ylisse would assign anyone too young to bodyguard their prince and princess.

What class should Cordelia be?

Pegasus Knight-
Regardless, Cordelia should spend some time as a Dark Flier in order to obtain the Galeforce skill. If the decision is made to keep Cordelia in a Pegasus Knight-related class, the Falcon Knight’s Lancefaire skill will further boost her already high Strength.

How do I learn Galeforce?

Overview. Galeforce is learned by Dark Fliers/Dark Falcons at level 15 (in Fates, this is level 35, but because DLC classes gain levels in a different way, a level 35 DLC unit is comparable to a standard level 15 promoted unit). In both games, it only activates once during each player’s turn.