When should I plant Myosotis sylvatica?

Although technically a short-lived perennial, this plant is often grown as a biennial by planting seed in the ground in mid-summer for bloom the following year. It is also often grown as an annual by starting seed indoors about 8-10 weeks before last spring frost date for bloom the same year.

Is Myosotis sylvatica invasive?

Myosotis sylvatica (Wood Forget-Me-Not) is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. According to the U.S Forest Service, Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species, and for 18% of U.S. endangered or threatened species.

Is Myosotis a perennial?

Myosotis sylvatica A pretty, variable, late spring to early summer flowering forget-me-not perennial, often grown as a biennial, with grey-green leaves and loose clusters of abundant bright pale-blue, fragrant flowers with a yellow eye emerging from deep-pink buds. Good for pollinators. 50cm.

Is Myosotis toxic to dogs?

However, another variety, called the Chinese forget-me-not (Cynoglossum amabile) and the broadleaf forget-me-not (Myosotis latifolia) are considered mildly toxic to grazing animals eating these types of forget-me-nots.

How do I stop forget-me-nots from spreading?

Forget-me-not control may be necessary to keep the plant in check. Forget-me-nots are easy to pull, or you can remove them by hoeing or cultivating the soil. This is a good way to control small numbers of forget-me-nots. However, the plants will soon resprout if you don’t remove every bit of the roots.

Is forget-me-not a ground cover?

Forget-me-not is low-growing and makes a nice ground cover plant as well as edging for the front of the border or even in containers.

How fast do forget-me-nots grow?

Germination usually occurs after about 10 to 14 days. After that, it takes about a year for forget-me-nots to grow to maturity and be able to flower.

Are Wood forget-me-nots poisonous?

Myosotis sylvatica has no toxic effects reported.