When did the WWF Attitude era end?

May 6, 2002
The WWF Attitude scratch logo, used from November 9, 1997 to May 6, 2002. The Attitude Era was a period in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and professional wrestling history that began as a direct result of the Monday Night Wars and culminated with the conclusion of the Wars in 2001.

Will the PG era in WWE end?

WWE considers the PG Era to have ended in either 2013 or 2014, in favor of The Reality Era, although the exact duration of the era is disputed. Many sources continue to describe WWE as still being in the PG Era because most of their content is still rated TV-PG.

What year did WWE go PG?

In the summer of 2008, WWE went to a PG rating across all their shows and SD Live has actually always been under the PG banner.

Did the Attitude Era end in 2002?

The company ceased official usage of its “Attitude” promotion on May 6, 2002. On that date, usage of the initials “WWF”, which were prominent within the logo, became prohibited as the result of a legal battle between the company and the World Wildlife Fund over the rights to legally use those initials.

Will WWE ever go back to the Attitude Era?

However, it’s a definite that WWE will not bring back all of The Attitude Era considering a significant part of their audience is still from the PG age group.

Will WWE ever go back to TV 14?

It sounds like it would be an easy solution to just go back to TV-14, but there are a lot of reasons why that’s not going to happen anytime soon, if ever. When WWE was at its edgiest during the Attitude Era, a lot of advertisers looking to appeal to families didn’t want to be associated with the company.

Is AEW kid friendly?

The content is more mature than what is presented by WWE. There is more blood, more cursing and dangerous spots that would cause most people to gasp in horror and excitement at the same time. Due to this approach, AEW has attracted a more adult fanbase.

Will WWE ever go back to TV-14?

What era is WWE in now?

The New Era (WWE)
The New Era is a period of professional wrestling within WWE, which spans from 2016 to the present day.