When did Indonesia invade Malaysia?

Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation

Date 20 January 1963 – 11 August 1966 (3 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 1 day)
Location Malay Peninsula, Borneo
Result Commonwealth victory Indonesia accepts formation of Malaysia Sukarno was replaced by Suharto following G30S coup attempt Communist insurgency in Sarawak continues until 1990

What caused Indonesian confrontation in Malaysia?

The conflict resulted from Indonesia’s President Sukarno’s belief that the creation of the Federation of Malaysia, which became official in September 1963, represented a British attempt to maintain colonial rule behind the cloak of independence granted to its former colonial possessions in south-east Asia.

When was the Borneo conflict?

January 20, 1963 – August 11, 1966Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation / Period

Why did Konfrontasi happen?

Konfrontasi (or Confrontation, 1963–1966) was Indonesia’s response to the formation of the Federation of Malaysia, arising from the British decolonisation process in Southeast Asia.

Has Malaysia had a war?

This is a list of wars involving Malaysia….List.

Conflict Federation of Malaya ( 1957–1966) Second Malayan Emergency (1968–1989)
Combatant 1 Malaysia Thailand
Combatant 2 Malayan Communist Party Malayan National Liberation Army Communist Party of Thailand
Result Victory Peace Accord of Hat Yai, dissolution of MCP.

What happened in the Indonesian confrontation?

The new president realised that Indonesia was not going to win the Confrontation. It was also costing the crippled Indonesian economy more than it could afford. On 11 August 1966 Suharto signed a peace treaty with Malaysia. The death toll stood at 590 Indonesians and 114 Commonwealth troops, including 23 Australians.