When can you fly the Union Jack?

A. Any individual can fly the Union Flag at any time. The Union Flag may be flown on UK Government buildings all year round. Those wishing to fly the Union Flag on the designated fixed flag flying days should only fly it from 8am until sunset.

Is it a crime to fly the Union Flag upside down?

Note: The Union Flag has a correct way up, it is not reversible, and it is considered improper to fly the British flag upside down. The only correct way to fly the Union Jack flag is when the half nearest to flagpole displays the wider diagonal white stripe above the red diagonal stripe.

What does it mean if the Union Jack is upside down?

To deliberately fly the flag upside down is a signal indicating a situation of ‘DISTRESS’. It is also “lese Majeste” (which means: insulting the Crown), and is theoretically still a crime in the UK and its commonwealth!

Can two flags fly on one pole?

What order should they be in? N.B.: You may never place two national flags on a single pole, as they must be at the same height and the approximate same size. N.B.: You may never place a company or advertisement flag on the same pole as the US flag. In military use, no more than two flags may be on a single pole.

Why does Australia have a British flag?

The Union Flag is thought to symbolise Australia’s history as six British colonies and the principles upon which the Australian Federation is based, although a more historic view sees its inclusion in the design as demonstrating loyalty to the British Empire.

Do I have to take my flag down at night?

The Flag Code states it is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flag staffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.

Do you have to have a light on the flag at night?

Without illumination, no one will be able to see your American flag during the nighttime hours. When the sun goes down, your American flag will fade from visibility. As a result, it’s recommended that you illuminate the American flag when displaying it at night.