Whats the difference between a fieldfare and redwing?

Fieldfares are bigger in comparison to redwings, generally similar in size and shape to the mistle thrush. They have a longer tail compared to the redwing and stand upright and generally move on the ground by hopping about.

How do you identify a fieldfare?

How to identify. The fieldfare has a chestnut-brown back and yellowy breast, streaked with black. It has a black tail, dark wings and pale grey rump and head. It is a little smaller than the similar-looking mistle thrush, but quite distinctive.

What’s the difference between a fieldfare and a thrush?

Fieldfare are larger, mistle-thrush sized birds, and are superficially similar to mistle thrush in their general shape and attitude — but again there are distinctive features that make them readily identifiable in most situations.

What kind of bird is a fieldfare?

The fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) is a member of the thrush family Turdidae. It breeds in woodland and scrub in northern Europe and across the Palearctic. It is strongly migratory, with many northern birds moving south during the winter….

Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Turdidae
Genus: Turdus

How big is a fieldfare?

3.7 ozFieldfare / Mass

Which is the biggest thrush?

About the Mistle Thrush The mistle thrush is larger than a blackbird in size and is much lighter in its colourings at first glance, and almost appear grey. The spots on the breast look more like thorns. Spots on the flanks and belly appear much more round compared to the song thrush.

Where can you find a fieldfare?

Fieldfares are best looked for in the countryside, along hedges and in fields. Hawthorn hedges with berries are a favourite feeding area. In late winter grass fields, playing fields and arable fields with nearby trees and hedges are a favourite place.

What does a redwing look like?

The redwing is dark brown above and white below, with a black-streaked breast and distinctive orangey-red flanks and underwing, which the similar song thrush lacks. It has a very smart face pattern, with a white eyebrow stripe and dark brown cheeks.

Is a fieldfare bigger than a thrush?

The fieldfare is a large member of the thrush family and is slightly bigger than a blackbird. It has a characteristic blue-grey head with a yellow beak, brown-grey wings and a speckled breast. Not to be confused with: the redwing.

Where do redwings go in summer?

They will come to parks and gardens. Often they join with flocks of fieldfares.

Why is a thrush called Mavis?

The name Mavis appears in Chaucer and was used by other Middle English poets. It comes from the French word mauvis and may be of Celtic origin. It was used by Shakespeare, as was the word throstle for song thrush, which, in East Anglia, refers to the mistle thrush.

Can a blackbird mate with a thrush?

Interbreeding with a thrush, whilst possible, is most unlikely. What you’re describing Derek, is just what I’m used to seeing in the crop of youngsters that visit my garden here. They start of looking very brown, like a female, but speckly. Then their primary feathers and tail go black, followed by the back.