What you mean by instant?

Definition of instant (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : produced or occurring with or as if with extreme rapidity and ease. 2 : immediate, direct the play was an instant success. 3a(1) : premixed or precooked for easy final preparation instant pudding. (2) : appearing in or as if in ready-to-use form instant poetry.

What is an example of an instant?

The definition of instant is something that is urgent or happens immediately. An example of instant is an answer received very quickly, an instant response. An example of instant is oatmeal that has been pre-cooked and dried for very quick cooking, instant oatmeal.

Is instant a real word?

an infinitesimal or very short space of time; a moment: They arrived not an instant too soon. the point of time now present or present with reference to some action or event. a particular moment: at the instant of contact.

How do you say instant?

tout de suite

  1. at once.
  2. in a wink.
  3. in an instant.
  4. now.
  5. pronto.
  6. right away.
  7. without delay.

How do you use instant?

She hesitated for an instant whether to speak or not. In an instant he had her down and pinned to the floor.

What is instant time?

a very brief time; moment. 2. a particular moment or point in time. at the same instant.

What is an instant in time?

noun. a very brief time; moment. a particular moment or point in time.

Whats another word for in an instant?

What is another word for in an instant?

in a moment very soon
posthaste immediately
promptly without delay
very quickly post-haste
instantaneously suddenly

What are the other words for instant?


  • hit-and-run,
  • prompt,
  • quick,
  • rapid,
  • speedy,
  • swift.
  • Is an instant 0?

    No mater how small you make your “instant,” it is not zero. Therefore, since it is not zero, if you sum a number of them, you will have a larger (finite) interval (of time). Highly active question.

    Where does the word instant come from?

    From Old French and French instant, from Latin instans (“standing by, being near, present, also urgent, importunate”), present participle of instare (“to stand upon, press upon, urge, pursue, insist”), from in (“on, upon”) + stare (“to stand”); see state.

    How long is instant?

    The Planck time is theorized to be the smallest time measurement that will ever be possible, roughly 10−43 seconds. Within the framework of the laws of physics as they are understood their lifetime, for times less than two Planck time apart, one can neither measure nor detect any change.