What words start with arch?

Words That Begin With ARCH

  • arched.
  • archer.
  • arches.
  • archil.
  • archly.
  • archon.

Does arch mean first?

The combining form -arch is used like a suffix meaning “chief, leader, or ruler.” It is often used in technical terms, especially in sociology. The form -arch comes from Greek árchos, meaning “leader,” and shares a root with the combining form archi-, meaning “first, principal.” Discover why at our entry for archi-.

What does the prefix arch mean in archbishop?

Chief; principal
Also arche‑ and archi-. Chief; principal; pre-eminent of its kind. Greek arkhi‑ or arkhe‑, from arkhos, chief. The main meaning is that of the most important or highest ranking person of a given type, as in archduke, archdeacon, archangel, and archbishop.

Is arch a root word or prefix?

The root word “Arch” can act as a prefix and a suffix. It comes from Greek word “archos”, meaning a ruler or a chief. In modern English, the meaning of the word root has evolved, and it now represents the most important or highest ranking person.

What words end with arch?


  • march.
  • larch.
  • parch.
  • barch.
  • aarch.
  • harch.
  • narch.
  • zarch.

What are some words with the suffix arch?

Category:English words suffixed with -arch

  • taxiarch.
  • symposiarch.
  • squirarch.
  • polemarch.
  • toparch.
  • navarch.
  • thearch.
  • phylarch.

What does arch mean in Catholicism?

In many Christian denominations, an archbishop (/ˌɑːrtʃˈbɪʃəp/, via Latin archiepiscopus, from Greek αρχιεπίσκοπος, from αρχι-, ‘chief’, and επί ‘over’+σκοπος ‘seer’) is a bishop of higher rank or office.

What is an arch Catholic?

Arch is a student-led ministry for all grade levels which aims to foster an environment in which students have the opportunity for deeper formation and intentional conversations. Each Arch night will have a speaker, discussions, and refreshments.

What is the synonym of arch?

See definition of arch on Dictionary.com. adj.principal, superior. adj.knowing, coy. nouncurve, curved structure. verbcurve.

What words have the prefix auto?

Full list of words from this list:

  • autonomy. political independence.
  • autonomous. existing as an independent entity.
  • autobiography. a book or account of your own life.
  • autocracy. a theory favoring unlimited authority by an individual.
  • autocratic. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule.
  • autocrat.
  • autodidact.
  • autograph.

Is ist a prefix suffix or root?

a suffix of nouns, often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in -ism, that denote a person who practices or is concerned with something, or holds certain principles, doctrines, etc.: apologist; dramatist; machinist; novelist; realist; socialist; Thomist.