What words make the AR sound?

Ar Sound Words in English

Car Dark Barn
Mark Star Far
Arm Yard Park
Party Hard Farm
Start Spark Art

What sound is this ar?

The ‘ar sound’ /ɑr/ is an r-controlled vowel. Technically this sound is two distinct sounds (vowel sound+’r sound’ /r/). It is presented with the name ‘ar sound’ /ɑr/ to distinguish the fact that the vowel portion of the sound is different from the various pronunciations commonly used for the letter ‘a’ spelling.

Is AR a long vowel sound?

The ar vowel sound is made with the tip of the tongue down behind the bottom teeth and the back of the tongue is low in the back of the mouth. The lips are neutral, the jaw is loose and the teeth are apart. The ar is a long vowel sound.

What is AR in phonics?

Linguists correctly assert that the letters “ar” in part represent two distinct sounds that are blended together to get what the OnTrack Reading Phonics Program calls the single sound /ar/. Similarly, the /or/ sound taught in the program is also actually composed of two blended sounds, but is taught as a single sound.

What is an AR word?

Definition of AR (Entry 5 of 7) 1 accounts receivable. 2 acknowledgment of receipt.

Are sound words list?

In short words the most common way of spelling the sound /air/ is with the letters are….Study the word list: are words.

bare The room was bare of all furniture.
flare We saw the fire flare up.
scare That ride wouldn’t scare me.

What word starts with AR?


  • arame.
  • arbor.
  • arced.
  • archi.
  • arcus.
  • ardeb.
  • ardor.