What word can I use instead of sadly?


  • agonizingly,
  • bitterly,
  • dolefully,
  • dolorously,
  • grievously,
  • hard,
  • hardly,
  • inconsolably,

What is the synonym of badly?

In this page you can discover 72 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for badly, like: damagingly, imperfectly, severely, bad, dreadfully, inefficiently, sad, feebly, grievously, faultily and poorly.

What is a word for moving too fast?

“The time came all too quickly for our departure from Thomasville.”…What is another word for too quickly?

hastily headlong
speedily thoughtlessly
imprudently quickly
prematurely pell-mell
in a hurry on the spur of the moment

What is a word for decrease in speed?

Deceleration is a slowing down: the unexpected deceleration of your car might mean that you’ve run out of gas. Use the noun deceleration when you talk about a gradual decrease in speed.

What is a synonym for upset and sad?


  • sad. adjective. feeling unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.
  • unhappy. adjective. feeling sad or upset.
  • gloomy. adjective. feeling sad and without hope.
  • melancholy. adjective.
  • sorrowful. adjective.
  • subdued. adjective.
  • bleak. adjective.
  • wistful. adjective.

What is another word for regrettably?

What is another word for regrettably?

regretfully unfortunately
deplorably tragically
disappointingly depressingly
unsuccessfully dismally
disastrously miserably

What is the word when something bad happens?

foreboding Add to list Share. When you get a foreboding, you get a sense that something bad is going to happen.

What is the synonym of disappointed?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for disappointed. disenchanted, disillusioned, frustrated, unfulfilled.

How do you describe a fast driving?

“He drew his bolts and let me out, and I promised the cabman something handsome if he would drive fast.”…What is another word for drive fast?

accelerate speed
step on it hurry
speed up put your foot down
step on the gas burn rubber
lay rubber hurry up

When something is done too quickly?

A hasty decision is one that is thought to have been made too quickly, often leading to negative consequences. A hasty generalization involves jumping to broad conclusions by judging something too quickly. Hasty can also mean brief or moving with or done with speed, as in a hasty visit.

What’s another word for in a row?

consecutive, back-to-back, successive, linear.

What does increase mean science?

to make or become greater in size, degree, frequency, etc; grow or expand. noun (ˈɪnkriːs) the act of increasing; augmentation. the amount by which something increases.