What was the UV index in Hawaii?
What was the UV index in Hawaii?
Honolulu UV index
Local Time | We Jun 08 | Fr Jun 10 |
UV index | 12 | 12 |
What time is the UV index the highest in Hawaii?
Today, the peak UV index for Hawaii will be in Hilo, around 12:00 pm at 13.4 (Extreme).
Is December a good time to go to Hawaii?
If you want a winter vacation in Hawaii, the beginning of December is the best time to visit. Prices are low and the crowds don’t arrive until the holidays. January and February are very similar in Hawaii.
Why are UV rays stronger in Hawaii?
Due to the Hawaiian Island’s proximity to the equator, the suns rays are much stronger that what you might experience at home. (Unless of course, your home is also near the equator.) And, isn’t it miserable to get a sunburn on vacation?! You do need to take even more precautions in the sun at the Hawaiian Islands.
What is the UV index in Maui?
Lahaina/Maui UV index
Local Time | Th May 26 | Fr May 27 |
UV index | 12 | 12 |
Why is the UV index low in Hawaii?
Sun Exposure in Hawaii Means Direct Sunlight Hawaii is on the equator, so it has the same amount of direct sunlight throughout the year. People forget that while traveling to the islands in the winter months, it is not going to be any less direct sunlight than if you were there in the summer.
How warm is Hawaii in December?
around 81°F
Daily high temperatures are around 81°F, rarely falling below 77°F or exceeding 84°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 3°F, from 72°F to 69°F, rarely falling below 64°F or exceeding 75°F.
Is Hawaii humid in December?
Hawaii has some humid months, and above average humidity throughout the year. The least humid month is August (61% relative humidity), and the most humid month is December (66.4%). Wind in Hawaii is usually moderate.
Should I tan Before Going to Hawaii?
UVB exposure acts unilaterally to increase the body’s output of melanin and yields a tan that takes upwards of 3 days to to develop, depending upon your skin. This is why some experts advise getting a “base tan” before going to Hawaii–to start the body’s natural process of producing melanin.
What month is UV index highest?
Season: The UV Index is highest in spring and summer. It goes down in the fall and is the lowest in the winter. Latitude: UV radiation is strongest at the equator and goes down as you move towards the north or south poles. 3.