What was the storyline of movie The Beach?

Garland’s novel centers on a young nicotine-addicted traveler named Richard, an avid pop-culture buff with a particular love for video games and Vietnam War movies. While at a hotel in Bangkok, he finds a map left by his strange, whacked-out neighbor, who just committed suicide.

What happens at the end of the movie The Beach?

Eva, the map holder, runs away, but Richard soon intercepts her. A farmer shoots and kills her, and blood sprays on Richard’s face. This snaps him back to reality, and after the farmer who shot Eva spots him, he makes a frightened, hasty retreat back to the beach community.

Is The Beach worth watching?

The Beach may not be the most thought provocative film released nor is it likely to win any awards anytime soon, but what it lacks in prestige it more than makes up for with solid storytelling and a great pace making this a film well worth watching.

Why did Richard go crazy in The Beach?

Before leaving the island, the last action that Richard commits is killing Christo. This is perhaps the most touching and important scene in the movie. By killing Christo, Richard snuffed the ego-ideal that led him to all the madness and fantasies of the island.

Was The Beach based on a true story?

Maya Bay in Phi Phi was used as the location of the beach in the movie but the actual inspiration for the book is rumoured to be Haad Tien on Koh Phangan, in the Gulf of Thailand, specifically the hippy community that started up in 1990 – the year the book is set – and evolved into The Sanctuary resort.

Is The Beach a true story?

Was The Beach a flop?

While The Beach, which was released on Feb. 11, has since gone on to develop a cult following, it was considered a flop when it first came out, with the U.S. box office barely doubling DiCaprio’s huge headline-making payday and the superstar earning an award no one in Hollywood wants to receive.

Was the beach based on a true story?

While a little research shows that Beaches is not based on true story, it does have interesting origins. The original film was based on a novel of the same name by Iris Rainer Dart that was published in 1985. The book may be a work of fiction, but the character of CC Bloom was loosely inspired by a surprising muse.

Does the beach actually exist?

The Thailand beach made famous in the Leonardo DiCaprio film “The Beach” is being closed to give it a break from tourists. The beach sits on Maya Bay on Phi Phi Leh island, off the coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea.

Is beaches a sad movie?

a very moving movie, about a friendship with barbara hershey and bette midler.. very sad from brooklyn,, and bette midler is great, and john hurt is also fantastic. see it one time for it is a very sad and heart wrenching movie.