What was the return of the S&P 500 in the last 12 months?


Value from Last Month 15.65%
Value from 1 Year Ago 45.98%
Change from 1 Year Ago -99.54%
Frequency Monthly
Unit Percent

What has the S&P 500 done year to date?

S&P 500 Total Returns by Year

Year Total Return
2020 18.40
2019 31.49
2018 -4.38
2017 21.83

What is S&P 500 return YTD 2021?

Start date: 12/31/2021
SPY YTD return: -13.03%
Annualized Gain: -30.50%
Starting investment: $10,000.00
Ending investment: $8,697.00

What is S&P 500 return for the year 2020?

S&P 500 Historical Annual Returns

S&P 500 Index – Historical Annual Data
Year Average Closing Price Annual % Change
2021 4,273.41 26.89%
2020 3,217.86 16.26%
2019 2,913.36 28.88%

What is S&P 500 return YTD 2022?

Year to Date Return for 2022

Year Total Return Dividend Return
2022 -15.13 0.57

What is a good YTD return?

Good Average Annual Return for a Mutual Fund For stock mutual funds, a “good” long-term return (annualized, for 10 years or more) is 8% to 10%. For bond mutual funds, a good long-term return would be 4% to 5%.

What is the Dow year to date return?

Dow Jones Industrial Average Overview. MarketWatch….Performance.

5 Day -4.03%
YTD -13.11%
1 Year -8.42%

How much has the S&P returned 2021?

The S&P 500 Price index returned 26.61% in 2021. Using a better calculation which includes dividend reinvestment, the S&P 500 returned 28.41%.