What was the last Duke Nukem game?

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World
(now 3D Realms) as a series of video games for IBM-compatible personal computers, the series expanded to games released for various consoles by third-party developers….

Duke Nukem
First release Duke Nukem July 1, 1991
Latest release Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour October 11, 2016

Is Duke Nukem Forever a remake?

According to its creators, Duke Nukem Forever 2013 is the Duke game “that was meant to be”. In 2011, much to the collective dismay of gamers, Duke Nukem Forever was released after 15 years of development.

Why isn’t there a new Duke Nukem game?

Unfortunately, 3D Realms didn’t actually have the rights to make this title, and Gearbox filed a suit to halt work on the project. Gearbox allegedly doesn’t have any interest in continuing the series, so it would make sense for Embracer to allow another studio to have a crack at it.

When did Duke Nukem come out?

1991Duke Nukem / Initial release date

What happened to Apogee games?

The last game to be published under the Apogee name was Stargunner in 1996. Since 1998, all the company’s games have been using a 3D engine (even if the gameplay is 2D, like in Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project). As a result, 3D Realms has replaced Apogee as the brand name to publish games under.

Is Doom and Duke Nukem the same?

The story features the protagonist Duke Nukem fighting against an alien race. It contained many of the same features as Doom, although the atmosphere of the game is different: Duke Nukem 3D incorporates a fair amount of humor mixed in with moody, largely urban or industrial themes.

Who wrote Duke Nukem Forever?

3D Realms
Gearbox SoftwareTriptych Games, LLCPiranha Games
Duke Nukem Forever/Developers

Did 3D Realms make Max Payne?

3D Realms was created in 1994 for the 3D game Terminal Velocity and was responsible for the latest installments of the successful Duke Nukem games and for producing the Max Payne series (earlier 3D games like Rise of the Triad were released under the Apogee name).