What was the Good War by Studs Terkel about?
What was the Good War by Studs Terkel about?
Amazon.com Review Studs Terkel, the noted Chicago-based journalist, gathers the reminiscences of 121 participants in World War II (called “the good war” because, in the words of one soldier, “to see fascism defeated, nothing better could have happened to a human being”).
What was known as the Good War?
World War II has been called “The Good War,” often in contrast to later conflicts whose moral justification is seen as more ambivalent. But how did the Good War become good, and what aspects of it had to be suppressed to qualify it for that title?
Why was ww2 referred to as the good war?
Despite its horror, World War II is often called the “good war.” That’s because nations led by brutal dictators (Germany, Italy, and Japan) fought democratic nations, led by Great Britain and the United States. After almost six years of fighting, from 1939 to 1945, the Allies won.
Who wrote the good war?
Studs TerkelThe Good War / AuthorLouis “Studs” Terkel was an American writer, historian, actor, and broadcaster. He received the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction in 1985 for The Good War and is best remembered for his oral histories of common Americans, and for hosting a long-running radio show in Chicago. Wikipedia
Why was World War 2 called The Good War quizlet?
AKA: WWII as it became known as by American society it was called this because it was a time of national unity in pursuit of indisputable noble goals. Talk of freedom pervaded wartime America.
What was the Double V campaign during WWII?
In 1942 the Pittsburgh Courier, an African American newspaper, launched the Double Victory Campaign, which stood for “Victory Abroad and Victory at Home.” Victory Abroad championed military success against fascism overseas, and Victory at Home demanded equality for African Americans in the United States.
Why was World War 2 called The Good war quizlet?
Was WWII the last good war?
Many Americans who lived through what was the most destructive war in history still refer to it as “the last good war.” Not that any war is good and not that there weren’t terrible sacrifices, but World War II, as TIME dubbed it, was a war that had to be fought and won.
Was the Second World War a good war?
The war estimated a death toll of 50 million to 70 million making it the history’s deadliest war and far more casualties were reported in the Allies camp than the Axis powers. Though the Nazi and Fascist powers were defeated for good, did this war produce any other positive outcome? The answer is a sobering no.
How did women’s role change during World War 2?
In particular, World War II led many women to take jobs in defense plants and factories around the country. These jobs provided unprecedented opportunities to move into occupations previously thought of as exclusive to men, especially the aircraft industry, where a majority of workers were women by 1943.
How did World War 2 affect women’s roles in the military?
While the most famous image of female patriotism during World War II is Rosie the Riveter, women were involved in other aspects of the war effort outside of factories. More than six million women took wartime jobs in factories, three million volunteered with the Red Cross, and over 200,000 served in the military.