What was the Force Publique in Congo?

The Force Publique (French: [fɔʁs pyblik], “Public Force”; Dutch: Openbare Weermacht) was a gendarmerie and military force in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1885 (when the territory was known as the Congo Free State), through the period of Belgian colonial rule (Belgian Congo – 1908 to 1960).

What was the Force Publique and what role did it play in the Congo?

In 1914, the Force Publique (FP), the Belgian colonial army in the Congo, was the most experienced fighting force Belgium had. Numbering around 17,000 at this time, it had fought numerous campaigns of colonial conquest, subduing anti-colonial rebellions and mutinies of its soldiers.

Why did the Force Publique cut the hands off of the Congolese people?

They came to be used to make up for shortfalls in rubber quotas, to replace the people who were demanded for the forced labour gangs; and the Force Publique soldiers were paid their bonuses on the basis of how many hands they collected. In theory, each right hand proved a killing.

Why did Leopold create Force Publique?

In the early 1890s, Leopold’s private African army, the Force Publique (Public Force), drove the powerful Muslim slave traders out of the Congo. While Leopold portrayed this as a great humanitarian act, his real purpose was to gain control of the upper Congo River and to acquire more workers.

What did King Leopold do to the Congolese?

On February 5, 1885, Belgian King Leopold II established the Congo Free State by brutally seizing the African landmass as his personal possession. Rather than control the Congo as a colony, as other European powers did throughout Africa, Leopold privately owned the region.

What was the Force Publique quizlet?

Force Publique. The Force Publique was originally the personal army of King Leopold II. It was used in the Congo Free State to crush uprisings and enforce brutal measures to ensure that enough rubber came from the colony. Later, it became the army of the Congo state.

When was the Force Publique disbanded?

The Force Publique (FP) (French for “Public Force”) was a gendarmerie and military force in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1885, (when the territory was known as the Congo Free State), through the period of direct Belgian colonial rule (1908 to 1960).

How many Congolese died under Leopold?

Although Leopold II established Belgium as a colonial power in Africa, he is best known for the widespread atrocities that were carried out under his rule, as a result of which as many as 10 million people died in the Congo Free State.

How did King Leopold exploit the Congo?

He provided for no education or vocational training, which would stunt future Congolese leaders from making sound economic and political policies. Leopold also exploited the Congo with the help of concession companies, both of which used forced labor to extract valuable resources.

What did king Leopold do to the Congolese?