What was the first PSA?

The range of possible topics has expanded over time. One of the earliest television public service announcements came in the form of Smokey Bear whose “Only you can prevent forest fires” campaign became famous and ran for decades.

What is PSA in advertising?

Definition of a PSA A Public Service Announcement (PSA) looks similar to a television commercial but is designed to educate the audience about a particular topic instead of selling some type of product.

What is public service advertising example?

A Double-Barrelled Ad Campaign that pre-owned war subjects for selling items, for example, taking photos to send to soldiers. A Sneak Punch Ad campaign in which a sponsor slipped a war message into a normal product ad, for example, indicating laborers in wartime production lines drinking Coca-Cola.

Who created the PSA?

T. Ming Chu, PhD, DSc, Chair Emeritus of Diagnostic Immunology Research and Professor Emeritus of Urologic Oncology, led the research in the 1970s that resulted in the discovery of PSA and the development of the PSA test, the diagnostic test heard around the world.

How do you get a PSA?

Tips for Creating a Successful Public Service Announcement (PSA)

  1. 1: Choose Your Topic and Decide on an Ask.
  2. 2: Identify Your Audience.
  3. 3: Gather Information.
  4. 4: Use Your Media Authentically.
  5. 5: Create Your Script.
  6. 6: Editing and Story Boarding.

What are the features of a PSA?

Characteristics of Quality Public Service Announcements

  • The Message. The most important characteristic of a quality PSA is the message.
  • Voice. PSAs should be written in a warm, conversational voice.
  • Call to Action. Every quality PSA includes a call to action.
  • Radio.
  • Television.

What is the difference between a PSA and an advertisement?

The simple answer is: a PSA is not a paid advertisement. The organization that produces the PSA doesn’t pay to have it aired. Instead of the organization buying airtime, the broadcaster donates the ad time to play the PSAs per FCC regulation and to serve the masses as a ‘public service’.

What is PSA history?

In 1979, Wang purified a tissue-specific antigen from the prostate (‘prostate antigen’). PSA was first measured quantitatively in the blood by Papsidero in 1980, and Stamey carried out the initial work on the clinical use of PSA as a marker of prostate cancer.

When was PSA discovered?

Topol, MD, interviews Richard J. Ablin, PhD, DSc (Hon), who first discovered prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in 1970. At the time, Dr. Ablin and colleagues were trying to identify an antigen that was specific to prostate cancer.

When did public service advertising begin?

Toward the end of the 20th century public service advertising began to find its way into new media. Nonprofit organizations first ventured into what might be called, in more narrow terms, online advertising when advertisements for Earth Share appeared on the Prodigy online service beginning in 1993.

Who invented public service ads (PSAs)?

The first entity to use PSAs that more closely resemble modern messages was the U.S. government. During the Civil War, the government sold bonds via newspaper advertisements provided without charge and placed throughout the North to raise money in support of the war.

What are some examples of public service advertising?

Examples of Public Service Advertising 1 Disability Support Services#N#Different non-profit organizations opt for PSAs for educating the common public about… 2 Emergency Preparedness#N#The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Ad Council teams up with ad agencies for… 3 Anti Smoking Ads More

What was the most successful advertising recruitment campaign in history?

The most successful advertising recruitment campaign in American history, “Women in War Jobs” recruited two million women into the workforce to support the war economy. The underlying theme was that the social change required to bring women into the workforce was a patriotic responsibility for women and employers.